Chapter 11: Ace & Hotshot P.O.V. Drowning

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Ace and Hotshot had heard Spot singing. They had also heard Spot talking up to the night sky. It broke Ace's and Hotshot's heart hearing how much pain their leader is really in. All of a sudden they heard Spot say goodbye. They watched him jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. "SPOT NO!!!!!!!" 

Ace and Hotshot raced over to the edge of the bridge. They then ran as fast as they could to the docks jumped in and started yelling Spot's name. He wasn't above water. Ace went under water trying to feel anything of Spot's. Hotshot went on the other side of Ace and started doing the same. 

Ace and Hotshot were crying hard yelling and looking for Spot. Ace swam the best he could, he can't lose his best friend, his brother, and especially not like this. Hotshot started coughing up water, Ace swam fast to Hotshot and helped him to make sure he was okay.

They kept swimming and yelling for Spot. Soon they heard people on the docks. Waves, Dice, Smokes, and Red. "What are you'se guys doin?" Smokes asked while rubbing his eyes. "Spot...he...he..I can't even." Ace couldn't even finish the sentence. "He..uh..he...Spot jumped." All the boys eyes widened. "He jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge." Hotshot finished. Immediately after Hotshot finished his sentence the boys jumped into the water to help find Spot and maybe just maybe save him.

 Everybody swam as much and as hard as they could. Waves could swim really deep, he was going deep trying to feel for anything. But he kept getting nothing. How can a person just disappear.

As mush as Red hated to say it "Guys we'se not findin anythin, I'se hate to say it but maybe we'se should give up." The other boys agreed sadly. All except for Ace, he was the newsie Spot was closest to. Hotshot tried to drag him out of the water, but Ace fought back, and kept swimming trying so hard to not let his best friend, his brother go.

Smokes swam up to Ace. Immediately Ace grabbed onto Smokes and gave him the most needed hug. Smokes didn't know how to help him, there really only was one thing he could do, be there for Ace when he needed it. Ace cried into Smokes already soaking wet shoulder. 

Ace just couldn't bear to let Spot go. Ace finally let go of Smokes and started swimming again. Smokes followed behind Ace. Smokes picked Ace up in his arms bridal style and started swimming towards shore. He saw how desperate Ace was to find his brother but there was no use, Spot was gone,

or so they thought.........

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