Shinsou comes over for training

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everyone is hanging out in the living room and you all hear knocking at the door.

Skyler- oh shit i forgot.

Skyler goes to the door to see who it is.

Shinsou- wow your place looks nice.

Skyler- thank you your dad said you're nice but damn, but anyways you finally get to meet my daughter before she goes to 1-A.

Shinsou- so she's going to be in my class since Hagakure got expelled. (she didn't actually be expelled in the  show, she barley has any lines in the show.)

Skyler- yes Shinsou, she will i personally asked Aizawa to put her in his class to train her more.

Devon starts chasing Toga for stealing Devon's diary and she is flying and using her fire on Toga that's when Skyler has to step in.

Skyler- Devon what did we say about flying in the house and using for fire on Toga?

Skyler grabs Devon's tail.

Devon- what she deserved it Toga give it back, i swear if you get blood on it i'll set you on fire.

Toga Skyler help she's trying to kill me.

Skyler- Toga give the diary back.

Toga- fine here you go.

Devon starts growling and stops flying.

Skyler taps Devon's snout.

Devon- ow don't think I'm apologizing to Toga.

Skyler- no growling.

Devon tries to walk off.

Skyler- Devon get back here, this is Shinsou show him around while i get the training room ready.

Devon- okay mom.

while Skyler is gone Devon shows Shinsou around the base.

Shinsou- so why were you trying to kill that girl?

Devon- she stole my notebook even though she knows its off limits.

Shinsou- oh, so i heard from your mom your going to UA soon.

Devon- yeah I'm kind of nervous.

Shinsou- don't be it's a lot of fun in the dorms.

Devon- so what's your Quirk anyway?

Shinsou- brainwashing, what's yours?

Devon- wow brainwashing is so cool and it'd be a great hero Quirk like if a villain was trying to take someone's child or let's say their purse you could brainwash them to stop, sorry for rambling i have a habit of doing that but my Quirk is decremation kind of sucks to be honest.

Shinsou- it's cool, so i'm guessing you got your eye, wings, and tail is from your mom and your quirk is really cool.

Devon- yep i did, i went to public school first grade and i got bullied for my snout and tail.

Shinsou- i think they look cool.

Devon- thanks, yours is super cool too.

Shinsou- thanks, so why did your mom say no flying inside?

Devon- well my parents have this rule no flying in the base unless im in the training room or outside roaming the streets listening to my music.

Skyler- that's right Devon you remember the rule, common Shinsou it's ready.

Shinsou- bye nice meeting you.

Devon- yeah you too.

he leaves to go train.

Dabi- who was that Devon.

Devon- someone my mom is training from UA and now you wanna talk to me, and would it really kill you to call me babe once in a while?

Dabi- im sorry about earlier and i didn't know you felt that way, but i would have apologized earlier but i was on an assignment from the boss babe.

Devon- it's okay, I'm going to go lay down i have a headache.

Dabi- do you want me to come lay down with you?

Devon- well duh.

Dabi- your very lucky i'm tired or i'd punish you for that.

Devon- common let's go lay down babe.

Devon and Dabi go back to his room and start to cuddle and watch Netflix, eventually you both fall asleep.

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