The Break Up

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Mina- Devon what's going on with you and Todoroki?

Devon- i don't know, I've just been so on edge about this stupid assignment.

Mina- i was just wondering because you two have been together for 1 year and a month and you two barley hangout anymore.

Devon- yeah, i swear all these stupid assignments, patrols, and training its all so stressful who knew being a second year would the this hard.

Mina- all the second years from last year, but you've gotten so far behind how is you're mental state?

Devon- not good, i don't know what to do M.

Mina- maybe go talk to Mr. Aizawa, he's always helped us with our problems last year and Denki still goes to him for help.

Devon- yeah you're right, he's always helped us.

Mina- then go ask him for some advice.

Devon- okay im going.

Mina- good luck.

Devon starts heading to 1-A's classroom to get some advice from Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa- come in.

Devon- hey Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa- please tell me Bakugo isn't trying to kill Midoriya again.

Devon- i actually came here for a different reason, i need some advice.

Aizawa- well okay then, what's troubling you?

Devon- well me and Todoroki have been together for a year and a month, but with all of the assignments, training, patrol, and homework is all so stressful and being in a relationship on top of all of that is really time consuming.

Aizawa- well i think it would be a good idea if you took a day off all to yourself, and are you wanting to continue your relationship with Todoroki?

 Devon- well i really care about Todoroki, but i don't think that my mental state is capable to handle everything all at once.

Aizawa- okay well a good way to end your relationship with Todoroki is to let him down gently.

Devon- okay, thank you Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa- you're welcome, i hope things go smoothly for you.

Devon- me too, well i should get to training goodbye Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa- goodbye Devon.

Devon starts walking to the training room.

Todoroki- hey Devon can we talk?

Devon- yeah.

Todoroki- i think we should see other people.

Devon- so now i know were on the same page.

Todoroki- you wanted to break up too?

Devon- yeah.

Todoroki- oh thank god, now it's a little easier for the both of us.

Devon- yeah.

Todoroki- so would still like to be friends?

Devon- i'd like that.

Todoroki- see you around.

Devon- see ya.

Mina- what were you two talking about.

Devon- we broke up.

Mina- awe im sorry.

Devon- i actually don't feel sad, i feel bad for not feeling sad about it.

Mina- you don't always have to feel bad about a break up.

Devon- we actually agreed that being friends would be better.

Mina- well that's good.

Devon- yeah, come on lets head to training so were not late.

Mina- yeah lets go.

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