Interviewing Pro Hero's

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interviewer- so present mic, did you become a Pro for fame?

Present Mic- no.

interviewer- for the money?

Present Mic- nope.

interviewer- for saving people?

Present Mic- well sorta but not really.

interviewer- then why did you become a Pro Hero?

Present Mic- i always thought screaming at people was super funny yo!


interviewer- so Eraser Head, how do you feel about 1-A?

Eraser Head- well there all a pain in my ass that's for damn sure, but their all trying very hard and their very best to become great Pro Hero's.

interviewer- well isn't that wonderful.


Interviewer- so Hollow, you work at UA as one of the costume engineers and you also fight villains how do you do it all?

Hollow- well i have to very strong teams to help me with both.

interviewer- could you give us some examples?

Hollow- well, when I'm out on a mission i have other Pro Hero's there with me and we're all working together to stop the villains.

interviewer- sounds like great teamwork if you ask me, what about about the other costume engineer how do they help?

Hollow- well we have to make the costumes for the students and the two of us take a piece of the work and work separately to make the costume, i make the clothing for the costume, Hatsume  designs and creates the gadgets for the costumes.


interviewer- so Midnight, what's it like working at UA?

Midnight- well of course i adore my students, but sometimes they can be a real pain but they mean well and they're trying their best.

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