The Mystery Person

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All of 1-A is now in their second year and Devon has been on edge and had been hiding it from Todoroki because whenever she's on Patrol she feels like she's being followed.

Fat Gum- welcome back everyone i hope you had a good weekend.

Kirishima- good morning professor Fat Gum.

Devon- good morning.

Fat Gum- good morning!

after a long day of school Devon goes on Patrol and she's walking in a busy area and she's walking rather fast so this mystery person wont find her, she takes a glimpse behind her and she sees the mystery person he is in a long black trench coat and has a hood over his head and a mask and all she could see was his bright ocean blue eyes and the feeling she had felt was so comforting when she looked in his eyes just like she would with Dabi. 

Hollow Mortician, honey it feels like i haven't seen you in forever Toga won't stop talking about how much she misses you.

Mortician- mom i only moved back into the dorms last week.

Hollow- i know, we really miss you.

Mortician- mom, i think he's back.

Hollow- who honey?

Mortician- Dabi.

Hollow- awe shit come on bitch we gotta fly now.

Hollow and Mortician start flying around the city.

Mortician- what are we going to do?

Hollow- are you 100% sure its him?

Mortician- in 50% sure, i could only see his eyes but on the underneath where his tear ducts is, when i looked in his eyes i felt the same comfort i felt when he would hold me in his arms, he's the only person i have ever deeply fell in love with.

Hollow- okay honey so this just stays between us Your father can't know yet, I'll track him and we can't tell anyone.

Mortician- what if i catch him during one of my Patrols?

Hollow- when's your next Patrol?

Mortician- in three weeks.

Hollow- okay so since he follows you every Patrol get him to go down an ally with you and sneak attack him and if he grabs your tail like we would do always then we'll know it's him.

Mortician- okay.

Hollow- okay i have to go, get back to UA.

Mortician- okay, i love you be safe.

Hollow- love you too.

Devon heads back to UA.

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