Dating Dabi

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Dabi- hey  babe wake up.

Devon- Dabi what time is it?

Dabi- it's three in the morning.

Devon- so you're telling me you're waking me up at three in the morning, do you have a death wish or something?

Dabi- you wouldn't kill me even if you wanted to, but get dressed we're leaving.

Devon gets dressed unaware of where Dabi's taking her.

Devon- where in the hell are you taking me Dabi?

Dabi- you'll see.

Devon- yay getting murdered in the woods sounds like a great date babe.

Dabi- oooohhhh daddy is getting grumpy.

Dabi grabs her neck and hips then pins her to a tree and moves his hand away from her neck and starts biting and leaving hickeys all over her neck. 

Devon- more like daddy has a huge surprise for his little mouse.

Dabi- you'll see when we gets there.

Dabi blindfolds Devon so she doesn't see it because they are getting closer and he takes Devon to an abandoned warehouse and they two have a rather exciting night.

 Dabi- and we're here.

he takes her blindfold off. 

Devon- Dabi how do you know about this place, i thought i was the only one who ever came here.

Dabi- after the first time we ever had sex i had over heard Toga and you'res conversation, and i had heard how angry you were and you left the base super mad and Toga wouldn't tell me anything, so i had Kurogiri warp gate me to you so i could make sure you were safe but it doesn't even matter just forget i even said anything.

Devon starts blushing a tiny bit then she starts teasing Dabi because he's a simp and she thinks it's funny.

Devon- you were worried about me weren't you Dabi, common just admit it you were.

Dabi i was worried about you because that's when i realized that's when i fell in love with you Devon.

Devon- wait really.

Dabi- yes i love you Devon.

he starts rambling which she thinks is adorable for him to do because he's nervous and he's almost never nervous but then he starts panicking because she is being silent.

Dabi- why aren't you saying anything great, i freaked you out and you most likely don't even feel the same way.

he sits on the ground upset, so you go over to him and sit next to him.

Devon- no Dabi it's not like that, i do i love you i was just shocked to hear you say you love me.

Dabi- i mean why wouldn't i love you?

Devon- well you knew me since i hatched out of my egg.

Dabi- well yeah but after we had sex that first time, i felt something different like i wanted you but in a more than friends kind of way i wanted you all to myself and mo one else's Devon, i don't know what i would do if you ever got hurt or worse i don't even want to think about that ever happening to you.

Devon- hey Dabi look at me.

Dabi turns to her.

Devon- im not going anywhere, i have you, my parents, and the rest of the league to protect me but mostly you babe.

Dabi- and that's one of the many reasons i love you, you're not afraid to ask for help even though sometimes you actually don't need it.

Devon- i love you so much Dabi.

Dabi- i love you so much too Devon.

Devon leans over to Dabi and she gently kisses his lips.

Dabi- damn, how can you turn me on so easily with just one simple kiss?

Devon- i don't know, i guess im just that good.

he grabs her around her neck and pins her down on the ground and they start making out.

Devon- mmm~

Dabi- ooh, is my little mouse enjoying the little date i set up for us?

Devon- yes i am daddy.

Dabi tightens his grip around Devon's neck. 

Dabi- we should head back to the base before your mom wakes up, i kinda forgot to tell  her that we were going out this late.

Devon- so you're telling me we only told Magma that we were going out this late?

Dabi- yeah.

Devon- if she finds out that we only told Magma that we came out this late instead of her or my dad she just might try to eat you.

Dabi- like she did with your cheating ex boyfriend?

Devon- she only bit off his arm, now let's go babe it's almost five.

Dabi and Devon rush back to the base as quickly as they can and they don't make it back in time.

Skyler- oh why hello you two.

Devon- oh hey mom you look so beautiful this morning, please don't kill us.

Skyler- i'm not going to kill anyone, suck up.

Devon- i am not a suck up.

Dabi- you kinda are.

Skyler- anyways i know you two snuck out.

Dabi- how did you know?

Devon- Magma told you?

Skyler- yep she did, goodnight.

Devon- night mom.

Dabi- night Sky.

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