Shoto's Trauma

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The day this man was born he knew his life was going to be shit.

His father was an abuser to his mother, him, and his oldest brother....

Enji (Endeavor) wanted to be better than All Might and he put all of his anger and resentment onto his wife and oldest son Touya now known as the villain Dabi.

When Shoto was born Touya had attempted to burn baby Shoto.

(we had made this up it didn't actually happen or at least we don't think it happened) When Shoto first developed his Quirk he had a pet cat his ice Quirk was first to develop and he froze the cat to death by accident.

When Shoto's fire Quirk developed and was old enough to start training his father would train him so much and so hard he would vomit.

So we all know Shoto has a scar on his eye caused by his mother but he proceeds to blame his father for his mothers actions, right before she burns him she is on the phone explaining that Shoto's right side reminds her of Enji so much making her snap and use a tea kettle with boiling hot water inside to burn her son because she couldn't handle all of the mental and emotional abuse and after the accident Enji had put Shoto's mother in a mental hospital.

At the sports festival at UA when Shoto and Midoriya went head on when they are trying to  get each other out of the circle, Shoto would only use his ice because he refused to use his fire and he kept calling it "his father's Quirk" Midoriya got Shoto to use his fire by screaming to Soto saying "IT'S YOURS NOT HIS!" and the fight had gotten so intense that pro here Cementoss had to enter fear. (funny fact: in the stands when the wind from Midoriya's smash, Cementoss's walls and both of Shoto's Quirks Shoji had to grab Mineta's leg so he wouldn't fly away.) 

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