Studying With Todoroki

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Todoroki knock on Devon's door.

Devon- come in, unless you're Mineta.

Todoroki- hey snowflake, wanna study together?

Devon- yeah, but i don't have any other chairs.

Todoroki- that's okay, you could always sit in my lap snowflake.

Devon sits in Todoroki's lap and they start studying.

Devon starts working on a math problem and she starts struggling with said math problem and she starts to get upset because she feels insecure and like she isn't smart enough because she can't solve it and Todoroki starts to notice.

Todoroki- snowflake are you okay?

Devon- im fine Shoto.

Todoroki- you only call me Shoto when you're upset, talk to me snowflake.

Devon- im just having a rough day.

Todoroki picks up Devon and lays her on the bed and cuddles her.

Todoroki- lets take a break from studying and lets just lay her snowflake.

Devon- id like that.

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