1: Jail time

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Third Person POV:

"Are you all packed Y/n?"

"Yes, let me grab my shoes and i'll meet you out."

You quickly slipped on your shoes and met your adoptive father, Avdol, out to the plane. He found you when you were just a small child, abandoned on the streets on Egypt.

He took you under his wing, officially adopting you a year later, when you were 6, he was all you knew, and of course Magician's Red. His stand.

You had a stand but it disappeared at the age of 13, weirdly enough. Avdol helped you hone your skills with Tahtib, Egypts main fighting style, along with some Aikido.

"Y/n hurry now! We must be on our way."

"Coming!" You ran out to the plane and boarded it, sitting across from Avdol. "Are we going to see Mr. Joestar again?"

Avdol nodded, "Yes, he needs our help."

You had met Mr. Joestar a few years back, he barged in on you and Avdol practicing Tahtib. He pleaded for help with his stand, Hermit Purple, and said Avdol was the perfect man for the job.

Being the kind soul he is, Avdol of course helped him, staying for a year, Joesph Joestar honed his skill to a tee with Avdol, while you learned all about American culture.

"Is he okay?"

"I'm sure he is, he told me he was struggling with his grandson and his suspected stand."

"So we're going to help him figure it out?" You pulled out your book, and flipped to the saved page. "Yes, I would have left you here, because stand work is dangerous work, but I think this could be a good opportunity for you to make a friend."

You acted offended, but laughed it off, "Hilarious Avdol, but I don't need friends."

He smiled and shook his head, "You'll enjoy having a few good ones."

"I guess i'll try, for you, if it doesn't work out you owe me a new pair of earrings, since you broke my last pair."

"Haha, okay, i'll owe you if it sucks."


As you stepped off the plane, Joesph brought you into a long and tight hug. "Awww I missed you too Mr. Joestar."

"My favorite and only niece! How was the flight up here?"

"Long and hot as hel- heck."

Avdol gave you a very fatherly look as you were about to cuss, "Watch it Y/n Avdol."

You gave him a sheepish smile, "Sorry sorry, where's this nuisance nephew of yours?" What Joseph said next shocked you, like getting 1 million volts stuck in your heart.

"He's in jail."

Giving Joesph the most concerning look you've ever expressed, he patted you on the back claiming he's okay.

"But why is he in there Mr. Joestar?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "He gets in fights, almost killing people at times."

Avdol suddenly regretted bringing you along, that kind of person is a bad influence on a sweet girl like you.

"Mr. Joestar, are you sure your nephew is a- good person?" You turned to Avdol as he said that, hearing the concerned tone also.

"Oh don't worry! We'll get him in tip top shape, ain't that right Y/n!" Joesph thumped your head, wanting a positive answer from you. "Uh, yes! We will make him the bestest boy ever!-"

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