16: The Sun

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The crew finally arrived at Untied Arab Emirates, a very small, but rich country due to its supply of oil. "Uncle Joesph, it's getting hotter.. you think we can find a cheap place to chill for a while? Or rent a car?"

Joseph hoists you up on his back, "Women do tend to suffer from heat exhaustion quicker than men do, you need some better clothes, do you boys want any cooler clothing also?"

They all said no, "I think we're all doing fine Mr. Joestar, thank you for the offer." You turned to Kakyoin as he spoke, smiling at his politeness.

"Alright! First stop in the Arab Emirates- Shopping for Y/n!" Joseph skipped around, bouncing you all over the place. "Thank you! And please stop bouncing me!" You laughed as he yelled, "Never!"

A solid 20 minutes passed, looking for a clothing store, until you found one, "Look! There's one!"
Joseph quickly ran you in there and left, leaving you confused. Soon after, the three boys walked in explaining that 'He feels uncomfortable with helping a young girl in the dressing room and that you three young boys would suit the job better.' 


The shop keeper, a short lady, walked up to you, "What are you looking for darling?" She started measuring you and feeling you up, un-sexually of course, then dragging you to the dressing room.

"H-hey! I haven't even told you what i wanted yet!" You opened the curtain, but she immediately closed it. "No need darling, working here so long gave me a gift of reading people. Now sit back and let momma dress you up!"

She reminded you of Holy, which also reminded you that this wasn't a shopping spree, you needed to get in and out. But she wasn't having that, she threw you multiple outfits in the room, "Hurry darling!"

You scanned through them, she really did know what you wanted, you pulled out some athletic shorts and a tank top, a purple one. You walked out of the dressing room, showing it to her, "Yes! Those compliment your body very nicely!"

"How many of these clothes do you have?"

She picked up a few more shorts and tank tops and handed them to you, "Oh! Just take them! They look so much better on you than anyone else who has tried them on!"

You looked at the price tags, "Are you sure? This is pretty expe-" Before you could say another word, Jotaro smushed his hand against your mouth, preventing you from talking, "Thank you woman, let's go Y/n."

Peeling his hand from your mouth, you felt the sheer heat from his palm, he was sweating like a mad dog. "Ma'am, do you have any fans? Battery operated ones?" She gasped and looked at the three boys, "Your boyfriends are sweating to death! Go down the street and you'll see a little shop, you'll find some in there darling! Bye now! Take care!"

You dragged the boys along, getting Joseph on the way, to the little convenience store. "Sir i'll take 4 of your fans." He sold them to you quickly and gave you spare batteries also. You popped the initial batteries in and handed them to the boys, seeing the look of immediate relief on their faces.

"Okay, let's get to going, days are shortening in."


After while, Joseph bought a really, really expensive car just to trade it for a group a camels. "This way, i plan to cross some of the Arabian Desert to arrive in Yarpline, then i can buy a Cessna and fly over Araby." You mounted your camel, "Stinky boy-" You plugged your nose until you got used to the smell. Joseph, bragging about how much he knew about camels, tried mounting his but failed, you hoped off of your camel to help Joseph.

"I got it sweetheart-" He tried again and still failed, so you showed him the proper way. Which was apparently very attractive to the camel salesman. "Heh, young lady, you know how to ride your camels, maybe i could show you a better time riding m-"

Jotaro snatched you up and carried you away, "Stay on your camel." You didn't argue, that man made you uncomfortable. Jotaro wanted him dead for all you knew. "Just don't kill him okay?" You kissed his head. He nodded, though in reality he wanted to kiss you back.

You looked around, everyone was on their camels, so you all departed. But not even an hour later, Kakyoin and Jotaro warned the group about their hunch about being followed.

You turned your back and scanned the desert, "I don't see anyone-" Jotaro hopped off of his camel to check yours, you carried the small amount of water and the extra batteries, along with your clothes. "Everything is still here."

Though, you knew you should tell them, but you didn't want to delay the trip more than it has, the heat was really getting to you, along with the severe sunburn you were enduring.

You took a sip from your water and threw it to Kakyoin, "Drink some, your face is red."

He thanked you and took some, tossing back to you. You packed it back up and you all continued your journey, Jotaro and Kakyoin still suspicious.

Hours upon hours later you checked your watch, 8 pm.. But the sun was still out? This was weird. "Hey guys it's 8pm- Somethings up."

Polnareff didn't catch on as quick as the others did, "What do you mean?"

"Look up Pol, the sun is out but it's 8pm."

It clicked. "This must be the work of a stand user." Even then, the heat was still piercing, it made you eventually fall off of your camel. Bringing the attention from the stand onto you.

You laid there, unable to move, you were having a heat stroke. Jotaro was the first to jump off of his camel and dive into the ground near you. He carefully picked you up, trying not to induce a seizure and carried you back to his camel, where he held you like a baby. "Old man, hook her camel up to someone else's camel."

Joseph did as he was instructed, Jotaro had a very rude and stern tone, but he could tell he was worried about you.

Kakyoin attempts to investigate using Hierophant Green, but the sun sends lasers their way, killing the camels, the water supply, the fans and batteries and your clothes. One of the lasers hit your leg, but due to the nature of a heat stroke, you hardly felt it.

The group hid under a rock for time being, "Jotaro, is her leg okay?" He moved you around to check it, "Not with all this sand in it, it's an open burn wound."

"Oh my god! Her leg could get so infected from being out here, she'll have to get it amputated!"
That comment earned a hit from Jotaro.

They all scanned the desert, "The user must be close." Polnareff said, putting his face in his hands, "But all i see are some rocks!"

Something clicked inside of the three younger men, one by one they started hysterically laughing. "This heat has taken a toll on their sanity, isn't that right Y/n?" Joseph shook his head in disappointment.

"Mr. Joestar, look over there, see that rock? Now look to the right of it, the same rock! The user used a mirror effect to trick us!" Then Jotaro throws a rock in its direction and a crack seemingly appeared in the sky, restoring it to night.

They all exited the rocks security to go investigate the crack, to find the Suns user, Arabia Fats, out cold. The Sun was defeated.

"Now that that is taken care of, how do we get back in town?" Kakyoin picked up the water supply, only for it to be drowned in holes. "We have to walk, let's get a move on, before sunrise."

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