13: Cars go vroom

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"Hoi, Jotaro, who's that? Looks like a little baby child."

You pointed out of the window to a hitchhiker, "Well i'll be darned, that's Anne!" You guys stopped the car to see what's up, "Hey you all, what are you guys doing?" Anne asked, wiping the sweat off of her fore head.

"Better question, what are you doing out here? It's dangerous." You opened your side of the car and invited her in, i'm which she hesitated, but climbed in.

"Kiddo, why are you out here?"

She kept silent, and looked at you, you immediately understood. "She doesn't wanna speak on it."

No one questioned it, girl things.

A while later, a red car speeds in front of you all, making Polnareff swerve the car in front of a truck, "HOLY SHIT!" You screamed and held onto Jotaro, in which he used Star Platinum to avoid the collision.

"What the hell..? Who the hell does the think he is?!" Polnareff slammed on the gas and passed him again. "Passing him, that'll show him Pol." You flicked his arm.

More driving later, Polnareff pulls to a road side tea shop, "Before you protest, Y/n, lets get something to drink at least, we'll be on the road for a while."

"Okay, fine with me actually. I was thirsty anyways." You claimed out, Anne close beside you. "So, are you and Mr. Jotaro together yet?"

You smacked your hand on her mouth, gaining everyone's attention. "Nothing to see here! Go on about your business!" They suspiciously looked at you two, but moved on to order.

"Shush Anne, no one knows yet- I don't think Jotaro is ready to tell anyone.."

"Is he like ashamed of you or something?"

Like those words hit like stones, your doubt was getting the best of you. "No- i don't think he is.."

Anne looked at Jotaro, he was staring, hard. "He's looking over here, maybe you should ask about that." Then Anne walked off to Joesph, ordering tea too.

Balling up, you dragged Jotaro away from the crowd. "Are you ashamed of me, i mean it's probably fine if you are, i'm loud and annoying-"
He hushed you with his hand, "No- im not. Why do you ask that?"

You peeled his hand off your lips, "Well you haven't told anyone yet, i told Anne, but not like she really matters anyways. So i assumed that you-"

He hushed you again, but this time he pulled his hat down and kissed you behind it, his lips tenderly interlocking with yours. He wasn't ashamed, and you could tell by his lips.

"I see, why don't we tell them then? I think they'd be happy for us-" He shook his head, "Not yet."

"Not yet? Why? It's a perfect opportunity.." He shook his head again, "I'll tell you when." He was up to something, but you had no idea what it was. But you trusted him, entirely. "Okay, i trust you." You pecked his cheek and walked back to the table.

But you didn't find the group at the table, you found them harassing the customers. "Hey! Stop that! What the hell!" You dragged Joesph off of a old man, "Someone here is the owner to that red car! Look!"

Low and behold, you saw the red car sitting under a shade tree. "Doesn't give you to right to interrogate them! Get off!" The three boys sat at your mercy in front of you, like disobedient children to an angry mother.

"Jesus, im sorry you all! My dumbass kids can't control themselves sometimes!" You got a few scoffs and sighs, but you knew it wasn't a really big deal.

You snapped your neck when you heard a engine crank, "Shit! The cars driving off!" You hustled to the car and hopped in, everyone following in pursuit. "Go Pol go!" You banged on his head while he cranked the car. "I am i am! God!"

What seemed like you were following the car, the car tricked you and took you to a dead end. "Fuck! Where did it go!" You got out and kicked the car. Then, the red car appears behind you and knocks the others off the dead end.

You stood in utter fear, knowing you were no match for the car, but you saw a sliver of green pass you and connect to the evil car. "Good work Kakyoin-" Jotaro used Star Platinum to pull the boys and Anne to safety while pulling the red car down.

Anne ran into your arms while Jotaro scoffed in slight jealousy, "You think that car crashed? I didn't hear anything.." But you did hear a voice, "It's coming from the radio!" Everyone rushed to the car and listened, "That car is a stand?! Named Wheel of Fortune?!" Polnareff exclaimed, punching the air.

Fortune, hearing that hurt a little... Avdol told fortunes-

You left Anne with Jotaro and walked to the edge, "Uh, guys.. The car isn-" As soon as you said that, the car leaped from the ground, destroying the vehicle you guys rented in the process. But it came back different, like it has a stronger form.

Wheel of Fortune launched its attacks at you guys, but they were unseen. But God, did they hurt. You cupped Anne into your body and kneeled, your back taking all the damage for her and you.

But Jotaro had other plans, as he prepared to attack the stand. Kakyoin pointed out that the unseen attacks that the stand was using was actually gasoline. The stands user, ZZ, uses the sparks from the car to light Jotaro on fire, making Jotaro hit the ground.

"Jotaro!" You let go of Anne and tried anything to help him put out that fire, just for the car to ignite you too. Wheel of Fortune laughed, in a seemingly easy victory. "Y/n! Jotaro!"

Kakyoin wrapped your body in Hierophant Greens tentacles, putting out the fire by force. As he tried the same for Jotaro, but there was only a hole in Jotaros place. Suddenly, Star Platinum bursts from the ground walloping Wheel of Fortune and sending the user flying.

Joseph chained the user to a rock, spitting on his shoes. "How's Y/n, Kakyoin?" Everyone's attention was once again on you. You haven't woken up yet, but the burns look pretty nasty.

Jotaro took you from Hierophants tentacles and gently held you in his arms, "Let's get a move on." They all piled in the dilapidated car and drive on. But now with the promise to put Anne on the first flight to Hong Kong.

While on the way, you woke up, in slight pain, but it was manageable. "Good morning good lookin-" To everyone's surprise he hugged you, but whispered something only you could hear. "Don't scare me like that."

"Don't worry silly boy, i ain't dying yet. Got a bunch of years left with you." He said his infamous catchphrase and let you go, "So how's everyone?" You winced at the slight pain from the burns, nothing you haven't had before. Avdol used to play fight with you and get slightly carried away.

They all pos/neg responded, Jotaro spoke up though, "I have something to tell you."

"Your mom is single."

You smacked Polnareff in the head, "Hush, he has the floor."

Jotaro looked at you the look a small breath,
"Y/n and I are dating."

After a few seconds of processing they all laughed, "Hell, we all knew Jotaro."

Baffled, you looked at Jotaro. "Guess we aren't that much of a secret. Huh?" You giggled and kissed his cheek. Little did he know, dating you came with stone walls bigger than the eiffel tower to break down.

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