15: Dirty Dan

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The kebab shop.

Holy hell.

All started with this rude guy, Steely Dan, who just popped up and started talking mad shit. Then he turns out to be the shop owner. And THEN Enya the Hag appeared from no where and one of DIOs flush buds killed her. Steely Dan boasted upon her death, maybe some people deserve death, but all passings should be respected.

And you were gonna show him that. But Joesph beat you to it, bye attacked Steely Dan but was bounced back like a trampoline. "What the hell!?" He exclaimed, shooting out Hermit Purple only to be hurt instead.

"Tsk tsk tsk, learn old man. You can't hurt me- my stand Lovers, has entered your ear, amplifying any pain inflicted on me to you. Watch-" Steely Dan pulled out a dollar bill, stopping a random kid walking by.

"Hit me, and i'll give you this money." The kid hesitated but eventually hit him in the shin, which multiplied the pain to Joesph, "OH MY GOD!" Joesph shrieked, resulting in Steely Dan laughing.

"You can't beat me old man, and even if you can, not in the time limit Lovers has given you. 10 minutes then you will die."

By this time you have hade enough of Dirty Dan. "Hey Steely Dan! How about we make a deal huh?"

You peaked his interest, "What kind of bet sweetheart?" He held your chin, making you uncomfortable, but you had to hold the smoulder you had. "How about, you tell me how to defeat Lovers and we go on a nice date-" You winked at him, implying this wasn't an ordinary 'date'.

Peaking his interest again, he agreed. Steely Dan whispered in your ear, but little did he know, you and Polnareff shared this 'Bro Code' a array of hand symbols, similar to sign language, that meant certain things.

"Thanks Danny, NOW POLNAREFF!" Not many minutes passed, you hadn't a clue what Polnareff was going to do to defeat Steely Dan, but he took him down. "Yeah! Nice!" You high-fived him, then asked for a high five from Silver Chariot too.

Polnareff made Silver Chariot sheath his sword and high five you, "You have a hella nice charm Y/n, we should use it more often!"

You and Polnareff laughed, for once, you forgot about Avdol.. You felt, okay.

"Enough playing around, we have to get a move on." Jealous Jotaro grabbed your hand and led you near him, a hand around your waist.

"Awe is someone jealous-" You playfully poked his arm, pissing him off. He drug you into an empty ally and pinned you against the wall. "I'm not jealous." He stares directly into your (eye color) eyes with his turquoise ones.

You giggled, "I think you are Kujo, cmere give me a kiss, and we'll all be okay." He leaned in to give you a kiss, but instead of one, you jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his torso, bear hugging him. "Now gimme a kiss."

(gets a little steamy here, if you're uncomfy, look for an emoji, that's the end of the steam 💙)

He leaned in once again and held your face still this time, kissing you with envy, passion and lust.  You rocked your body, causing him to hit the other side of the ally, you pushed yourself up, kissing him from above. He snaked his calloused hands up the back of your shirt, fiddling with your bra (or just tracing your spine).

This sent shivers down to your legs, causing you to wrap them harder around him. You quickly separated your lips from his soft, tender ones. "Jotaro, we can't do things like this- especially here.." Words seemed to slip in one ear and out the other. He stopped messing with the contents under your shirt, only to push you back against the wall, not hard, but rough.


"I'm not going that far without your consent,
Y/n. Continue for a little longer, then i'll quit."

Little to say, he lied. You two were back there for a solid 10 minutes, making out, feeling each other. Normal horny teenager stuff. He finally set you back down and roughed up your hair some, "Thanks for that, calmed me down." Jotaro said, gently gripped your hand and walked out of the ally, grabbing the attention of the rest of the crew.

"Jesus, did you guys have sex back there or something?" Polnareff flicked your forehead, making you flustered. "No, we talked."

"Haha! I remember my teenage years... good ole times.." You giggled and patted Joesph on the back. "I'm sure they were gramps, but we should get going now, don't want to push the day limit."

Everyone agreed, but Kakyoin, he suggested we sleep here, it was late after all. "Oh come on Kakyoin! Where's the fun in daytime adventures?!"

He smiled and sighed, "Okay, okay, let's get going, like Y/n said, don't wanna push it." You were happy that everyone was on board, rare occasion.

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