7: Monkey business

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As you suspected, the ship was weird. It has no crew members, but it runs perfect. "Jotaro what do you think?"

He shrugged, "Honestly i don't know." You thought long and hard, "Maybe we should go explore a little more, come on Anne."

You and Anne explored until you found a room with an orangutan in it, but sitting, staring. You heard foot steps nearby, "Hey, come check this out." The footsteps turned out to be Joesph.

"Is that a orangutan? Why is it in a cage on this ship?" He pondered and slid his finger along the cage. But he dismissed it, looking elsewhere now.

Eventually you all met up on deck, "So anything weird?" Avdol said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Well, besides the orangutan, but nothing else out of the ordinary."

"Weird for an orangutan to be here, but no people?"

Everyone shook their heads, "Nope."

"Hey watch out!"

A giant hook came flying down, piercing on of the sailors. You immediately covered Anne's eyes, what a horrible sight to see.

You watched at Anne ran off, to lord knows where. But she found herself in the room with the orangutan again. This time it was off. The orangutan was signalling her to open the cage door. Offering half an apple as compensation.

Anne stood there, listening to you frantically trying to find her, while Kakyoin used Hierophant Green to search the ship.

Like the monkey gave up, he lit himself a cigarette and started to read a pin up girls magazine. Disgusted by his actions, Anne went and found you. "Hey Y/n, wanna take a shower? I know you feel sticky from all the saltwater."

You felt slight anger towards the kid, but couldn't stay mad, "I have been feeling sticky, let's go find the showers."

Within a few minutes, you and Anne slipped off your clothes and stepped into the showers, you helping wash her hair.

"Hey Y/n, how do you get your boobs so big?"

Hearing that comment made you drop the bottle of soap, "Ah geez Anne, i dunno, just happened i guess."

"Oh okay- Hey did you hear that?"

You stopped washing her hair, to listen. "Hear what Anne?"

She thought she must have been hearing things, "Nothing, just thought i heard the shower room door opening."

As a matter of the fact, you do hear footsteps now, "Hello? Do you mind? A little privacy would be nice."

But the footsteps kept getting closer and closer, you quickly rinsed out Anne's hair and backed her in the corner, you in front of her, ready to attack whoever's in here.

"Don't come in here!"

Like on command, the shower curtain opened, revealing the orangutan, with a pervy look on his face, "Hey monkey! Shoo!" You kicked at it, but it grabbed your foor, slamming your upper body against the hard tile of the bathroom floors.

Anne let out a ear piercing scream, as the monkey licked your foot, all the way up your leg. You yelled for help, but it felt like no one was gonna hear you.

But Jotaro did.

He came in, busting down the door, to see the monkey violating you, Anne covering herself in shock.

Jotaro throws the lock on the door at the orangutan, making it let go of you. You quickly squirmed to protect Anne, grabbing a towel and wrapping her up in it. "Are you okay Anne?"

She nods, the turns her attention to the fight, Jotaro suddenly was hit by a fan, confirming his suspicions, "The monkey is a stand user! But look out for his stand!"

"Okay, what can i do to help!" You stood proud and ready to kick some monkey ass. Jotaro tossed his coat again to you, "Put that on and take cover with the girl."

"Are you sure Jotaro? You look red again, maybe i sh-"

He hushed your by pushing you out, "Go."

You slid on Jotaros coat and took Anne out to the deck, meeting the others, "Hey! Jotaro is fighting a user! But we don't know where the stand is!"

They all looked at you confused as you ran back out, until they started sinking in the floor of the deck. "Crap! I think the ship is the stand!"

"Don't struggle anyone! You'll sink faster! Just stay still." Joesph yelled, the whole deck stood, stuck. Waiting for you and Jotaro to finish the job.

The monkey returned to the showers, distracted by you running in, it launched itself to you, ending up on top of you. "You sick monkey, get off!" You kicked and clawed as the monkey took off the coat.

You punched the monkey square in the face, pissing it off, it retaliated and pinned your hands above your head, bruising them. With another hand, he presents his stand, 'Strength'.

The monkey taunts Jotaro with his intelligence. Jotaro, unaffected by this, flicks a button from his undershirt into the monkeys forehead, pissing it off, it jumps off of you and lunges towards Jotaro.

In a lightning fast motion, Jotaro flicks another button delivered by Star Platinums, Star Finger Technique.

Something you both never expected, it surrendered. But Jotaro was pissed by the easy surrender for the bad things it had done to you, so he finished that dammed monkey off with a barrage of punches from Star Platinum.

Immediately after, the freighter starts distorting, "Jotaro!" You ran to him and jumped in his arms. He carries you to the deck, to find everyone already in the emergency boats they previously had.

"Hurry! Get in!" Joesph yelled, making room on the boat. Jotaro stepped in with you still in his arms, he just didn't let you go. You didn't mind though, he was warm..

"Here we go again..."

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