14: Hol Horse, again.

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"Come on Anne, you don't wanna be with us forever do you sweetheart?" You tried to sympathize with her, nothing worked. She wanted to stay with you. But didn't tell you why.

"At least tell me why you wanna stay with me?"

She shook her head for the millionth time, "No, not happening. I'm staying, period." You sighed. She sure was hard headed.

"Anne." Joesph made her look at him, "You're going back home." His tone was serious, but she nodded. "O-okay.."

You were left agape, what the hell. "That's all it took? Stern talk? Good grief." You rolled your eyes and laid your head on Jotaro. "What's up big boy?"

"This fog- its thick, we can't even see out past a few meters." He placed his hand on top of yours, covering your whole hand pretty easily. "Is it bothering you that much Jo? Just breathe and relax, let Polnareff drive."

You yawned, "Can i sleep on you?" He nods and leans against the car door to make it more comfortable for you. You kissed his hand and closed your eyes. But when awoken again, you found yourself in a Jotaros arms, getting carried around.

"Jotaro? What are we doing?" You stumbled down and tightly gripped his arm. "We dropped off Anne, found a dead body-"

"A WHAT?!" He pointed at it, you rushed to it, immediately panicking, "Why is no one concerned?? This man is dead!"

But something caught your eye, he had holes in his body, but no blood was found. "Did y'all see this too?" Everyone nodded, "Yep kiddo, the man had to be killed by a stand."

You got back up and stood by Jotaro again, kind of scared, "And this damned fog- it's still so thick."

"There's the car, i'll go get it-" Joesph jumps to the car, but only to be barely avoided by a spiked fence. "What the hell?! The car was right here!"

This made you more and more worried, "Maybe we should leave this town.."

"Nonsense honey-"

You turned to the voice, to find a small old woman, "Would you sweeties like to stay in my hotel?" You looked at the group, with a 'Should we?' face.

"Why not ma'am, we'll come!" Joesph led the group behind the old lady, whose name is Enya. "I'm not so sure about this old lady Jotaro.."

"Me neither, but keep the suspicion to a minimum, we don't want her to suspect anything, even if she's not a enemy." Kakyoin walked up beside you, putting his hand on your head. "So you and Jotaro eye? I knew it would happen.. Avdol would approve of it." He flashed the most innocent smile you've ever seen.

Mentioning his name still hurt, so much, but you knew Kakyoin had no mean or evil intent behind those words. But they still lingered in your mind.

"Thank you Kakyoin.." You smiled back at him sheepishy, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "Are you two gonna share a room?" The red head asked, blowing up your face with heat, along with Jotaros.

"I- I mean if Jotaro wants to we can!-" You rubbed the back of your neck while Jotaro lowered his hat, "We can."

You looked up at him, surprised. "You don't have to say that Jotaro, just because i want to."

"No, i want to." He said, looking at you, his eyes glimmered with respect and passion. He wants to love you, "Okay. We'll share a room then!" Kakyoin smiled at you then winked, he knew exactly what he was doing. You silently thanked him.

Upon arrival at the old lady's hotel, she led them to the sign in sheet and the check in/out bar. "If you all would sign your names-" She said, pointing a wrinkly finger at the paper.

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