4: Tsundere

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"It's not what it looks like, I found Mrs. Kujo laid out on the floor when I walked in." You believed Avdol, but this is weird.

"Is she still alive?" You called for the rest of the boys to wake up, you could hear them sprinting to get here.

"Yes, she is still alive, thankfully, but her breathing is staggered and her temperature is rising."

You knelt beside Holy and put your hand to her head, "She's smoking- goodness." You got up and ran cold water, "Jotaro! Give me a rag!"

Hearing footsteps fade, then appear again, Jotaro was the last to make it in the kitchen, "Good grief what happened to her."

You wet the rag and rang it out, folding it, and placing it on her head, "Avdol found her passed out when he woke up this morning."

Kakyoin was the first to make an assumption, "Maybe she didn't get enough sleep."

Jotaro piped up, "That's not like her, she takes her sleep very seriously."

You began to search her body for any wounds, only to find purple vines wrapped around her body. "Mr. Joestar, check it."

He knelt down beside you, "What the hell!"

You unbuttoned her blouse, asking for forgiveness, then flipped her on her back, revealing tangles of tattooed like vines.

"What is that.." You traced your fingers around them, her back was also burning up. "Her fever is rising- someone get a fan. Now!"

They all jumped a little when you raised your voice, "I got it-" Jotaro hurried out to grab the fan from his room.

"Any ideas?"

Joesph took a stab at it, explaining that he could feel the slight power radiating from her, "So she has a stand?"

"Yes, but this must be the work of DIO. Holy doesn't have the willpower to wield a stand.. she'll die."

"So, what you're saying is- we kill DIO, she gets better?"

Joesph nodded, "Exactly that."

Jotaro returned shortly after with the fan, plugging it in and pointing it at his mother, "I heard the conversation, let's get a move on-"

He slid on his shoes and tried escaping out the door, "Hey not Jotaro, we can't leave yet.. We have no idea where DIO is at- or have anyone to watch over Mrs. Holy.."

Joesph spoke again, "I'll call the Speedwagon Foundation to come look at her and keep watch. But in the meantime, does anyone have a camera?"

You cocked your head to the side, "This isn't really the time for pictures."

"No, this is how my stand works, Hermit Purple will give me the location of DIO with it."


You looked at the photo from the camera Joesph just smashed, it was, a bug?

Suddenly Avdol ran out and came back with a book. "That is a fly from the region of Aswan in Egypt."

"So we have our location, Egypt." You turned to the boys with a determined look, gaining more respect. "I say we wait for the Speedwagon foundation to get here and give a check up on Mrs. Holy, then we set out once we know she's in good hands."

Jotaro spoke up, "How far out is the foundation."

Like magic, they came busting through the door, setting up medical equipment.

You all waited anxiously for results, "To the best of my knowledge, Mrs. Kujo has approximately 50 days to live."

"That's more than enough time to kill DIO." Joesph said, clenching his fists. "And get back to see my sweet Holy heal."

"Kay, pack some stuff up, and let's go."

It only took a matter of seconds to get things together, you followed Jotaro into his room, "Hey Jotaro, you have anymore smaller clothes?"

"Give me a second to dig and find them."

You sat on his bed, remembering the night you two shared, the thought made your face beat red.

While flushing away the blush, he threw some clothes at you. "How come Avdol has clothes but you don't."

You stood up from the bed and walked to him, bumping him aside with your hips to get the bag he was reaching for, "It got lost."

He waddling back to his spot and bumped you back, "How do you lose that."

You shrugged and shoved the clothes in his bag, "Do we need to share a bag?"

He responded with putting his clothes neatly into the bag, "So you need a toothbrush."

You nodded, "Yeah, do you have an extra?"

Jotaro left for a few minutes, scurrying around to find you a toothbrush, finally returning with one. He put it in the bag, along with other feminine products. "Heh Jotaro, guess what."


"I don't have underwear and a bra either."

"Good grief." He hid his face in his hat, blushing at the thought. "You think we could stop and get some? I'll be super quick."

Jotaro, too flustered to talk about that, walked out and brought in Joesph. "Here, talk to him."

You blinked a few times, cocking your head to the side. "Mr. Joestar i don't have undergarments."

"Ahhh! We can stop by a travel center in the airport. But why did you tell me kid?"

"Cuz, Jotaro brought you in here."

Joesph caught on immediately, "I see, okay, we're all ready to go, let's head out while we still have daylight."

You walked out with the bag over your shoulders, while Joesph and Jotaro stayed behind for a minute. "Jotaro my boy, are you forming a little intsy wintsy crush on Y/n?"

Jotaro looked away, what a tsundere, "No."

Joesph laughed, "If you say so my boy."

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