10: India

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"Maaaan, i'm hungry- Mr. Joestar? You got anything?" You poked Joesph, then Avdol, Polnareff, and Kakyoin. "No one has anything? Dang-"

Out of the corner of your eye. you saw Jotaro pull out something- you didn't know what. But you wanted it. "Hey Jotaro, what's that?" You reached for it but he snatched it away.

"No." He popped your hand, like a child. You squinted your eyes at him, "How dare- give it."

He shook his head, and put it back, but you heard the crinkle, it was food. "Jotaroo pleaase- Im so hungry." You laid all on him, dramatically.

He seemed unfazed, "No." You groaned, and your stomach did too. "What if it isn't even food?"

"But i heard the crinkle of the paper-"

He sighed and took out the thing, it was something in a small ziploc bag, looked like a souvenir? He handed it to you. "It reminded me of you- so i got it-"

You opened the small bag and pulled out a bracelet with a small pink flower on it. "Jotaro- You cute bastard-" You slipped on the bracelet and tightened it to where it wouldn't ever come off.

He hid his face in his hat, "Good gri-" Before you let him finish his sentence, you kissed his cheek. "What the hell- Do it again." You giggled and held his hand instead. "How about we wait for that hm?"

He nods and held your hand firm but gentle, "You can sleep on me, Jotaro, you look tired."

"Haven't got a good nights rest in a hella long time." He hesitated, but scooted down and laid his head on your shoulder, falling asleep within minutes.

You took his hat off and ran you fingers through his hair, "Psst, guys- look-" They boys looked back at you, to see a calm, sleeping Jotaro.

"How'd you do that?" Joesph said looking at him from above the seat. "Did you get Anne to sleep too?" You caressed Jotaros thumb with yours.

"We left her back in Singapore for her dad, remember? But is anyone else asleep?" No one answered but Avdol, meaning Kakyoin and Polnareff were sleeping too. "Aw man, hoping- *yawn* someone would be awake-"

Just like that, you fell asleep on Jotaros head, "Should i take a picture?" Avdol and Joesph grinned menacingly, snapping pictures of all four of you sleeping.

Eventually, the group ended up in India, "Now i must warn you, India is a..welcoming place-"

You jumped up excited to be here again, "Ouuu i love India! Everyone's so nice and cool."

Forgetting Jotaro was napping on you when you jumped up, he fell over, still sleeping like a baby. "Aww, Jotarooo- wake uppp~" You cooed at him, but no response.

"You guys go ahead and exit the plane, i'll get Jotaro." You winked and waved the rest of the group off the plane. "Hmm. How to wake Jotaro Kujo up."

You put your hands on his knees and kissed his nose, "Jotaro, awakening time."

He groaned for a second and stretched, "Where are we- Right India." He got up and scooped you up, carrying you bridal style. "Hey, what's all this for?" You were most definitely not complaining, but it was confusing.

"Carrying you as a thank you for being a decent pillow." He stepped out of the plane and raised you above his head, so no one could touch you.

You felt like a queen, "Jotaro, you can let me down, i like the people of India." He asked if you were sure, in which you assured him you were sure.

As soon as he let you down, the people crowded around you saying things like, "Welcome back!" or "Would you like to try/buy this or that?"

You held Jotaros hand and guided him through the crowd, then finding the rest of the group. "Did the initial welcome go well?" You giggled, already knowing their answers.

"Mon chéri, you could have told us that this place is littered with cow droppings- I ruined my new shoes-" Polnareff seemed legitimately upset about that. "Aw i'm sorry Pol, i'll get you some new ones, kay?"

He shook his head, "No need, i'll wash them when we get into a hotel, but thank you dearly for the offer." He smiled at you, you slimed in return.

"How was everyone's else's experience?"

"My dammed wallet got stolen- good thing i'm about flat broke." Kakyoin said, gaining a disappointing tone in his voice. "Sorry Kakyoin- Im sure when you get back home you'll get your money back- lickity split." He rolled his eyes at the funny, but stupid comment. "Goodness Y/n."

"How about you Mr. Joestar?"

"Oh ho! Nothing bad has happened yet! Thankfully!" You two laughed, but Jotaro gripped  your hand harder. You whispered to him, asking what's the matter. "Ill tell you when we get into a hotel room."

You nodded in response, "Kay. You guys wanna eat? I know a pretty cool place."

About an hour of walking later, you led them inside the restaurant, then immediately getting seated, "Chérie, where is the restroom?" You pointed in the general direction, "Probably that way, be cautious."

Polnareff was confused at first why you told him to be cautious, but soon got the memo, he let out a blood curdling scream, but no one heard him.

Sucking it up, he used the bathroom, soon to complain to you about it. As he was finishing up, washing his hands, he looks in the mirror and sees a stand with two right hands. He punches and shattered the mirror and ran out to the crowd to look for the user.

You ran after him, then everyone else following you, "Polnareff, what happened?"

"I saw him, the man with two right hands that killed my sister." You could tell he was getting upset, "Hey Pol calm down." You pulled him into a hug, but he pushes you down to the ground. "Don't tell me to calm down!" He raised his voice, and that was all it took for you to start crying.

"I'll be leaving, thank you for the trip here." He was about to turn around but Avdol grabbed his arm. "Think about this Polnareff, going off by yourself could get you killed."

Polnareff snatched away, "You don't know, leave me be." Avdol was getting pissed now, "Do you really wish to meet your sister in the afterlife? Or avenge her death and live on for her?"

The silver head slapped Avdol, "You coward, Polnareff."

"Me!? I'm the coward?! Hilarious Avdol, you about shit yourself coming in contact with DIO. Don't call me the coward." And like that he stormed off.

You got up and ran after him, "Polnareff please! You'll get yourself killed!" You stopped in front of him. Even though it pained him to shove you, he pushed you against the nearby wall. "Leave me alone.. mon chéri-"

He was gone this time. No stopping him.

Jotaro rushed to you, "Did be hurt you?" He got you up and dusted you off. "No- im okay, i'm worried about him though.."

"He'll come back, and realize he made a mistake." You hugged Jotaro, trying your damn hardest not to cry. "It's okay Y/n-" His soft baby-like side came out, comforting you. "I just hope he'll be okay.."


Meanwhile, Polnareff was searching for a lead, when two stand users approached him. One disappears and the other introduced himself. "The names Hol Horse-" Polnareff immediately summons Silver Chariot. "Woah woah kid, i see your stand has a sword. Well-"

Hol Horse pulled out a gun, being his stand, 'The Emperor.' "The gun is mightier than the sword."

"Where did the other guy go, i have a bone to pick with him."

Hol Horse kept talking about how his Emperor is stronger than Silver Chariot, "Shut up cowboy."

Apparently, that pissed Hol Horse off, resulting in him shooting at the frenchman, but to intercept the bullet fast enough, his stand strips his armour but the bullet still almost hits the user.

But Avdol arrives in time to push Polnareff out of the way, but the bullet changes directions to target him instead. As Avdol summons Magicians Red, he is stabbed by the two right handed stand user, from the reflection on the puddle behind him. And then hit by the assumed stray bullet, center skull.

As Polnareff walks to Avdols corpse, Kakyoin comes only to see a crying Polnareff and Avdols demise. How were they going to tell you..

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