cafeteria fight

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm you quickly got up walking to your bathroom looking yourself in the mirror,you scoff as you see yourself,you pick up your toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing your teeth,you finish in your bathroom by brushing your hair, you put on a new outfit ready to start your day. you turn as you walk down the stairs to see Eddie standing at the door "hello mr y/l/n sorry to bother you is uhm y/n here?, i was going to take her to school" "oh yeah she will be down in a second,so you must be the boyfreind she never stops talking bout huh?" He blushed and nodded his head "i suppose" you quickly run down the rest of the stairs with your bag you smiled at Eddie as you stood next to your dad "hey are you ready for school"Eddie smiled "yep,well bye dad see you tonight!"your dad wondered off and you shut the door eddie now had his arm around you shoulder "never stop talking bout me huh?" "Shut up"you say playfully he got the door again for you,you could see your dad glancing through the window out to you he quickly went when he saw you observing him. Eddie ran around to his side as you put on your seat belt, he started the car and drove off "do you want to come for dinner tonight"you say smirking at him "alright"you two where nearly at hawkins high discussing the details of when for him to come over,eddie parked as you hopped out,he put his arm around your waist as you guys walked into the main entrance you felt all eyes on you, Eddie looked at you knowing somthing was wrong as you walk passed a group of girls you see Helen she started to giggle looking at you and eddie, you flipped her off not looking at her while the two of you strolled to your locker,you shove your bag in and kiss eddie on the lips as a goodbye Helen's jaw was on the floor when you kissed eddie. You put on your walkman as you put a cassette in there and pressed play,you then slam your locker and start to walk down the hall roughly bumping shoulders with were in class by the time the first bell went you were already zoned out, english was the most boring thing ever created you thought to yourself. Soon the bell went for lunch you stood up in a flash, walking to your locker you hear Helen and her freinds nodding laughing and whisperering you glance over not knowing what evil plan they had up they're walk into the cafeteria and dont see eddie or the other's yet, so you wait at the table grabbing a chair to sit down around thirty seconds later you feel a cold watery thing roll down you back all in a second you smelt it,it was milk you turned around and saw helen had just tipped a small carton of strawberry milk on you you stood up as she was laughing you try to hold back your anger but it didn't work, you gripped your hand as tight as you could all of a sudden she was on the ground you punched her straight in the side of the head you got on top of her and continued punching her "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" everyone in the cafeteria yelled soon eddie had came to your rescue he pulled you off Helen without a second you grabbed you bag storming off leaving eddie to stand there,you ran to the bathroom to take off the shirt you were wearing and rembered you had another t-shirt in your bag from the night you stayed at Eddie's house, you put it on and you leaned over the sink rinsing your hair under the tap,a slight knock was on the door "what?"you yelled "its me eddie.."you squeezed all the water out of your hair and opend up the door for him "hey"you sigh "hey,what happened back there?"he questioned as you leaned on the sink "she decided it was funny to pour milk on me so i gave her somthing worse you smiled looking at you bloody knuckle" he leaned in touching your arm "that little bitch" he blurted out with anger in his eye "its fine eddie i alread-"you got cut off by the sound of the P.A "y/n l/n please report to the principal's office y/n l/n" "shit you say gripping your bag with anger, you kiss eddie goodbye and leave him standing there again while you walk to the main office where the principal was waiting for you,he had his arms crossed and a pissed look on his face,"y/n follow me"he walked into the principal office where you saw your dad,Helen and her parents sitting there,you took a seat "y/n what happened?"well i was sitting down waiting for my freinds and she came over and dumped milk on me so i punched her"you exclaimed looking down and fidgeting with the rim of your shirt "i-i uh i didnt"Helen said standing up with a tissue over her nose "y/n you will have 2 days of suspension"the principal demanded, you looked up in shock and got up gripping your bag walking to your locker you felt a tap on your shoulder as you opend your locker, "hey sweetheart everything okay?" Eddie said pulling you in by the waist "yeah not really, i got a 2 day suspension" you hugged him borrowing your head into his chest he hugged you back "well to make it up too you,i can stay the night at yours?"he questioned hugging you back you nodded "okay i got to go, see you for dinner at 6 my house ok?" He nodded and walked down the hall waving good-bye,you shut your locker,and walked back out to the parking lot where you dad was standing against his car "im glad you stood up for yourself"he smiled holding his knuckle out for a fist bump, you smirked and hopped in the car soon enough you got home "hey dad don't forget eddie is coming for dinner"you yelled going up the stairs to your lay your bag on the floor going to your sink pushing your damp hair behind your ears you got soap and water and started to wash the dried up blood from your knuckle's you got a big grin on your face as the water slowly started to turn a faint red colour,you dried your hands with the towel next to you.

Time skip: you were down stairs helping your dad with dinner and heard a knock
At the door as you were setting the table that's eddie you thought to yourself walking over to the door.

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