the real realationship

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As you kissed eddie on the cheek jason walked out of the school he was crossing the road, he saw you kiss eddie on the cheek, he shouted "hey freak looks like you got ya self hot girlfreind" he winked at you as you turned around "hey keep your dick in you pants"you yelled flipping him off,you turned back around looking at eddie, Eddie was looking you up and down at you "that's not the y/n i know"he winked opening up the door for you "m'lady"you hopped in "thankyou m'lord"you replied,he shut the door and ran around the driver's side "lets go he zoomed off and waited for a group of girls to walk past he looked away quickly noticing his ex in the group "what's wrong ed?" You looked at him "Helen's there" you looked over and saw them glancing at you and eddie, you flipped her off giggling as eddie zoomed off once we were parked he got out and opend the door grabbing your hand and dragging you into the forest, as you kept walking you saw him glancing at you he was so cute you though to yourself " ta da my spot"he giggled it was in the middle of the woods,a picnic bench with two seats on the side there were leaves all on the ground it looked like a cute little hangout spot
"How have i never been here before?"you questioned walking over to the seat, he helped you sit down then sat himself down "so"eddie said you glanced up at him into his big beautiful brown eyes he smiled as you were quietly observing him "about me liking you for real.."he whispered "im sorry y/n your just beautiful,cute,amazing, perf-" "dont apologise "you stopped him "i really like you two.." you looked to the side seeing a flower from the corner of your eye you bent gripping on to the side of the table "Eddie munson,will you be my very handsome cute AND adorable boyfriend?"he said yes as you passed him the flower he sat the flower on the table.Out of no where he purposely fell of the bench standing up again you gasped as he fell "you know this isnt the first time we have hung out?"eddie said standing up "no?" You questioned "we hung out before,rember the talent show you were sitting in the crowd and i was on stage playing my guitar" "i-i don't rember.."you went silent "thats because i was in a band i had my hair buzzed and i didnt have these sweet sweet tatties"he giggled pulling down his shirt to reveal his tattoos "my band was the corroded-" "coffins" you giggled "how could i forget"you hit your hand on your head "but i grew my hair he smiled,you glanced at his hair noticing leaves in his hair you giggle once again looking at his hair "do i have stuff in my hair he said waving his hands through his hair "yes silly"you stood up walking towards him, you slowly picked the leaves out of his hair,you saw him admiring you "what is there somthing on my face?"you questioned "no your just perfect"he sighed pulling you in by your waist,he pulled you in your faces where inches away and he leaned in slowly giving you a Gentle yet passionate kiss on the lips, you smirked at him.It started to get darker so you guys walked back to Eddie's van where you two started to listen too some songs,soon you were back at your house, you kissed eddie goodnight as he drove off into the distance you laughed to yourself thinking how did you end up actaully dating Eddie Munson.You walked inside to your house greeting your dad"hey dad sorry i didnt come home i promise you i was safe!!" You gave him an awkward smile "that's okay hun tell me where your going next time, alrighty?" He laughed "okay i will"you say as you run up the stairs you got up to your room where you sat down on your bed,you looked over at your clock 7:08pm it said.You hop in the shower after 10 minutes you hopped out wondering if you should let eddie meet your dad,you sat at your vanity brushing through your wet hair, you then went back down stairs to ask if your dad wanted to meet Eddie "hey dad,do you maybe want to meet the guy i went on a date with yesterday, he's my boyfreind now?" "Of course i would"he says bringing you in for a big hug, you hug him back and then soon after a bit of talking your dad,he agreed to meet him for dinner tommorow you smiled at your dad saying goodnight to him You go back up the stairs saying goodnight and you realise, you are in Love with Eddie Munson,you smile as you grab your walkman and cassette out of your school bag laying down you press play and listen, soon enough you have fallen asleep dreaming about your new boyfreind.

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