the meet up

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"hey i know you just got here uncle frank, but im going to Eddie's house for the night, i- uh make yourself" at home you smiled walking back into the spare room "oh...ok" he smiled "have fun"he said smiling.

You and eddie left hopping into Eddie's van.He started to drive as he turned up the radio, You were driving along an empty street in the middle of town listening to music that was blaring from the speakers.

You look to see a car zoom into a nearby shop that was closed "what the fuck" eddie said "you saw that right?" You repleid "yeah" he said turning the car into the parking lot, you got out of the car with Eddie and slowly walked through the door that had been smashed, "max" you questioned "y/n..?" She looked at eddie in confusion while looking back at you, "what are you doing dude"you yelled getting closer, a skinny boy was holding a bloody rag on a random girl's ankle "its el she's hurt" max sighed "where is Lucas" she said getting up and running down the aisle looking for someone "are you okay?" You say crouching down to a girl in a yellow top,you though her name was el, she nodded and you all went to stand next to a freezer where she put on a blindfold "w-uh what is she doing"you whispered to eddie "she has like super powers"mike leaned over "shhh"she yelled yanking off her blindfold with red blood dripping from her nose.

"He's at the movie's" she whispered "the movies?" A guy yelled with a can of coke in his hand "lucas shut up and help me get fire works you want so much" max and the guy named lucas went over to grab a trolley,
After max and lucas had gotten the fire works you all walked out with a giant trolley and quickly packed the things into Nancy's car.

"So what are you guys doing with this shit?" You question "so basically there is this monster named the mind flayer and he's killing people and he controls their minds and shit"max explained "l-like billy.."you whispered
"How do you, you know what no time"lucas said smiling shutting the boot of the car "so were gonna blow up this son of a bitch up, with... fireworks" eddie hestintly said looking over at Nancy and Jonathan they both nodded and hopped in the car.
In a short intense ride from the shop to the star court mall we made our way upstairs to see 4  men in all black standing with guns pointing towards a counter in one swoop el made a car flip and hit all four men, from the behind the counter erica,steve,robin and dustin got up you all go to dustin and give a giant hug. "Hey guys" dustin waved "im so glad you found us otherwise the Russians would of gotten us" he smiled giving you and Eddie a fist bump.
"Wait those were Russians?" Your jaw was on the floor, "yup we basically found a code that robin over here cracked" dustin pointed to robin "and she cracked it and we found a russian super base thing where they beat the shit out of steve"dustin giggled "okay but one thing, how the hell did that car flip" robin yelled "oh, el did it she has like super powers, get with it"steve said hitting robin arm, we all started to think of what we could do, but all of a sudden el fell to the ground in pain, she lifted up her trouser leg and found a huge bump moving around in her leg.

Jonathan had went and grabbed a few things from the food court a knife gloves and a wooden spoon he got her to bite down on the spoon and waited for her to nod she ended up nodding and let out a painful muffled scream through the wooden spoon,

"stop"she yelled slowly getting up from Mike's lap, jonathan moved his hand out of her leg and she started to move it with her powers she threw it and towards the entrance, to see chief Jim hopper, Joyce Byers and Murray Bauman.

You all sat down discussing what you guys will do.
Hopper chucked a walkie talkie, "this isn't gonna reach" dustin said "we need a stronger walkie" "i know a place we just need a head start.
Erica steve robin and dustin had went out to a car and drove away leaving the rest of you there.
Murray was talking to jonathan and Nancy about keys to his house, hopper was talking to el, joyce was talking to will "we should go" mike said going over to el "mike" hopper grunted "be careful" he added as mike el, yourself, eddie,lucas  max and will walked out to the car with jonathan and nancy the car wouldn't start until you looked over seeing a car rev their engine it was billy he was in his car, and Nancy's car had a cable missing "go back in the mall" nancy yelled opening the door.
You all ran inside and was standing around.
"Do you copy Dustin billy is here and the car isn't working do you copy,DUSTIN, he knows where we are" mike yelled into the microphone "what if we move that car and grab the cable?"you question pointing to the car you all grabbed some metal chairs and flipped the car after struggling for around w minute's,  Jonathan was searching for the cable and el was going through the trash as she tried to crush the can with her mind, a few seconds later and everyone heard huge quakes from the ground "he's here"you whispered "HIDE"eddie yelled and you all scattered.

You grabbed eddies hand following max, el and mike, "mike do you copy"dustin yelled you all hid behind a big bench that had three walls, the mind flayer snarled And hissed as it walked around looking through the food court,
it's back was turned as you eddie mike max and el ran for a shop called 'the gap', you all rushed into the the gap and quietly ran in acidentally knocking over somthing on you way "shit" you whispered under you breath scurrying behind a big pillar.

The mind flayer arms slowly searched the room and quickly left as another noise was made from the food court you guys made a run for it as it turned and so did the others, you ran into a dark hallway in the back it was really cold and the lights where flickering "where are we going?"you questioned panting "shut up" they all yell as they stop in there track as they find a elevator, you quickly shove the button "hurry up" eddie yelled banging on the door.

"billy...its me max" max yelled billy was coming slowly down the hall, "its me max your sister, your billy...billy Hargrove" he punched max as she fell to the ground mike ran at him with a fist, before he could do anything he tossed him into a nearby wall making him unconcious "e-eddie" you whispered gripping his jacket "y/n, eleven...we could of ruled, we could of been... unstoppable" billy said slowly walking towards you, all of a sudden eddie threw a punch and it landed on his face, "ow" Billy's voice echoed the room Eddie shook his hand off and went for another punch but this time eddie had got thrown against the floor and got punched in the face multiple times until he was knocked out, "EDDIE, NO STOP BILLY" you yell your voice rung through his ears and he let go of Eddie, you hugged el as he walked closer and knocked you both out slightly he picked you both up dragging you back to the food court.

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