sleep over

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You opend the door greeting eddie, he was wearing his usual hellfire t-shirt and black ripped jeans you let him in and shut the door, he greeted your dad with a smile and wave,the rest of the night was full of smiles and laughter as the dinner went even better than you'd planned it.
It was soon time to head back up to your room as you went up you looked back at your dad with a big happy smile,you grabbed Eddie's hand pulling him into your room, you sit on your bed and he joins you "thanks for coming over"you say adjusting yourself for him to lay on you "y/n your the first person who has ever invited me to dinner,or invited me to stay at a house the night.." he replied scooting himself up to lay on your chest,you blush as you start to play with his hair, soon after he fell asleep burrowing his head
In your chest.You reach over trying not to wake up eddie,you lift up his head placing it on the closest pillow you could find "where are you going?"he groaned in his sleepy voice laying his beautiful brown eyes on you"water"you whispered to not wake him fully up "I'll be back"you smiled opening the door you went downstairs and got a glass full of water heading back up stairs to see eddie back asleep you smile "your so cute"you whispered under your breath, you took a sip of water and placed it on your nightstand turning off the little lamp on it,you crawled across the bed to the other side and layed your back to eddie you felt a warm arm grip your waist pulling you in closer you soon fell asleep.

Morning time:
You wake up to just you in the bed and looking around you layed your head back on the pillow looking at your nightstand,you saw somthing sitting there,it was a note you saw you didnt see that before so you reached out to grab it,it said " y/n my love
I am at school right now but I'll most likely get bored at come to your house,i am going to take you on a date tonight ill pick you up
I love you sweetheart."
Your eyes widened and your cheeks blushed reading "i love you sweetheart"over and over again in your head resting the note on your chest you get was around 3 o'clock and you were ready for the date you sat on your bed writing in your diary about Eddie, "hello sweetheart"a fimiliar voice called you look up and see eddie standing there you walk up to him giving him a kiss and a hug "i love you too"you say he smiles as he rested his chin on your head rapping his two arms around you back "are you ready for our date?"he questioned still holding you "yep you say pulling away from the amazing hug, he grabs your hand and you see your dad on the way out "ill be back at.." you paused looking at eddie "9 mr.y/l/n 9" he flashes a smile at your dad and walks you out to his car where he opened the door for you "m'lady"he says bowing down and gestured for you to hop in "thank you m'lord" you laugh,he then shuts the door
Walking around the drivers side, you two drive off listening to you favourite music together.Eddie then pulls up outside his trailor and opens the door you walk inside with him and go sit on his couch he rushes to his bedroom and grabs somthing,you look around when he brings out his guitar "may i teach you sweetheart?" You get up nodding your head he gives you the gutiar and shows you how to play a song called "separate ways" it took you a long time but before you knew it the sun was setting "c'mon m'lady"he sits his gutiar on the couch a takes your hand walking into the forest before you knew it you where at the picnic table in the woods he lead you a little further and it was a mountain,it had a perfect view of the sunset, you and eddie sat down talking and laughing you found yourself on a mountain smoking weed with your very very handsome boyfreind Eddie munson, you have a giant smile on your face "what?"he giggled looking into your eyes "you" you paused "me?" He questioned "you just you, before i met you u i was sad and had no freinds and i would NEVER be smoking this weed"you laugh staring into his eyes,he cupped your face bringing you in closer and gently kissing you on the lips the kiss slowly turned out to the two of you making out,you got on top of his lap still kissing him he pulls you in by the waist "i love you so much"he says resting his head on your shoulder "i love you too eddie,i have completely fallen for you.."you reply, he giggled into your shoulder.soon it was getting too dark and cold you both stood up you had goose bumps,you leaned on eddie shoulder as you walked he suddenly stopped as he could see you shaking in coldness he quickly ripped off his jacket putting it around get back to the trailer collapsing on the couch next to Eddie's gutiar.

After a while of talking with eddie you guys decided to have a sleepover instead of going back to your house,you decided u need to call your dad so he knows where you are "you got a home phone"you question staring into Eddie's big beautiful brown eyes "of course sweetheart,over here"he got up showing you to the phone
"Thanks ed" you pick up the phone dialling your dads phone, he didnt pick up, weird you thought you shook it off and left him a message "hey dad its y/n,uh-im not sure why you didn't pick up but im am gonna crash at Eddie's tonight hope that's you.."you hung up the phone with an un-easy feeling in your gut "wanna watch a movie?"eddie suggested "for sure,you can pick but I'm going to order pizza im starving"you reach for the phone as eddie ran to his bedroom picking a movie "whats the pizza number?"you shouted "uhh" Eddie came rushing out as he snagged somthing off the fridge,as he read the number out you felt his warm arm's reaching around your waist pulling you in to a warm hug,you finished dialling the number and it started to rung "pepperoni please"Eddie begged spinning you so you back was on the wall "okay" you kissed him.

A small ring later someone picked up the phone "hey,uhm could i get a large pepperoni pizza" you ask after the convosation on the phone you hung the phone back up and felt Eddie lift you up of the ground placing you on the edge of the kitchen counter, you just stared into eddies glorious eyes he stared back "you know,y/n your gorgeous"he smiled leaning in for a kiss you pulled away "me?im the gorgeous one?have you seen yourself,your like perfect"you responded leaning back in for the kiss. you sat there making out with eddie for a good 10 minutes until you heard a loud knock on the door,"i was starting to enjoy that"you smirked getting off the counter "you know you love me"eddie winked back you open your purse and found a 20 dollar note and open the door handing the dude a 20 dollar note, he passed you the pizza smiling at him as a 'thanks' you shut the door and sat the pizza on the counter "so what about either, top gun or ferris beuller's day off?"he quizzed "definitely ferris beuller's"you said in a stern tone he walk to the bedroom you following him with the big pizza box he struggles to put in the movie "for fuck sake,go in bro"he cursed under his breath "you good Ed's?" You giggled "its not going in" he stated you go to get up and he finally puts it in "FINALLY" he shouted walking to the bed where you were sitting up against the wall he sat down letting out a big sigh, he then rested his head on you shoulder you both snuggle up eating pizza and watching the movie.

fake Love... | eddie munson x y/n |Where stories live. Discover now