abusive ex

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You and Eddie where all cuddled up and asleep until you heard the phone ring,you got up quickly so the phone wouldn't wake up eddie. you ran down the hallway looking at the clock, it read 12:57am, you picked up the phone "hello?" You sighed "hey,uh this is y/n right?"a familiar voice called out from the other end of the phone "y-yes, what can i help with?"you muttered "its billy.."the man said your eyes widend in shock "what do you want billy"you hesitantly say "i just want to talk, i uh i love yo-" before billy could finish his sentence you slammed the phone back on the holder and started pacing the kitchen grabbing you hair and biting your nails.

Soon Eddie had come out "sweetheart, what's wrong?"he said rubbing his eye's "m-my ex called and i dont know how he got your number or how he knows im scared Eddie, he has done some crazy crazy shit..."you say walking over to eddie with tears in your eyes he pulls you in for a hug "what's his name?"he sighed "b-billy, billy Hargrove"you pulled away from the hug to see Eddie's face "not that dick.."he murmured under his breath.

You and Eddie where standing there hugging until you heard a car pull up, you ran over to the window peeking out the window "it's him, Billy's here" you grabbed Eddie's hand in fear, "what do we do?"you questioned your eye's start tearing up "get to my room and shut the door"he demanded "but-" "i said go"eddie said in a mad tone, you ran off to Eddie's room in fear shutting the door queitly behind you.

Billy then knocked on the door and Eddie opend up "can i help you man?"eddie questioned leaning against the door frame "yes,where is she?"billy demanded to know, "who?"eddie said acting like he didn't know what he was talking about "look munson, you tell me where she is or.. ill come in and find out myself"he slammed his foot down on the porch "well i guess you got to find out yourself"Eddie said shutting the door,Billy slid his foot in the crack of the door so it couldn't shut "move" Eddie demanded Billy then got up in Eddie's face "or what munson, you gonna take the first punch?" Billy teased raising his eyebrows Eddie shook his head in disbelief as Billy walked away "she's a slut anyways"he murmured under his breath Eddie's fist tightend as he walked up to Billy, Billy then turned around, Eddie slamming a huge punch in his face billy scoffed as he threw a punch aswell, Eddie dodged the first punch "is that all you got princess"he whined,you slowly walk out of Eddie's bedroom hearing the whole conversation, you walk to the front door seeing billy and eddie on the ground punching eachother you look around in fear and see a knife laying on the kitchen bench you rushed out of the trailor gripping Billy's white tank top holding a knife to his neck.

"LEAVE BILLY"you yell in his face "oo im so scared"he scoffed you brought the knife on his skin "I WON'T HESITATE TO SLICE YOUR THROAT OPEN, NOW FUCK OFF"you yell lowering the knife eddie then stood up in a flash wiping his bloody red nose with his denim jacket sleeve, billy then walked back to his car you dropped the knife walking fast into the woods.

You were in the woods for the rest of the night trying to work out what just happend at the picnic table Eddie had shown you, you heard leaves crunching behind you, you didn't turn you didn't flinch, you just sat there staring "I'm sorry"Eddie apologized "why did you punch him, you made things worse ed"you cried as you turned around to see Eddie standing there with his gutiar in his hands "i-i made you somthing.." you raised your eyebrows seeing what it was he started to play a song that was meant for you.After he sang the song he placed the gutiar on the picnic table, You stood up in a flash hugging him he hugged you back it was the best hug ever"I'm so sorry, i couldn't help it he has a punchable face"Eddie smirked "just don't do that again"you giggle.

You two walk back to his trailor and sit down.Deep down inside you knew it wasn't the end of Billy...

fake Love... | eddie munson x y/n |Where stories live. Discover now