he's dead

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7:21am the clock read as you look over to see Eddie passed out, "Babe, wake up school time.."you slightly shoved his shoulder he looked up and you saw his left eye was bruised from last night "does your eye hurt" you question playing with his hair "very much, and why does he punch so hard jesus christ"eddie said you looked away "he's abusive thats why.."you paused getting up to find some Panadol for Eddie's eye "you can stay home if you want to?" you quickly changed the subject, "yeah okay then" he muttered grabbing the panadol from your hand you gave him a bottle of water that was sitting on the nightstand from last night you kissed him on the forehead "can i take your van?"you groaned "i don't wanna walk"you added "of course sweetheart he grabbed the keys and tossed them at you "bye babe, i love you"he added "i love you too"you smile shutting the door behind you.

You decide to stop at your house to grab your walkman so it wasn't AS boring without Eddie, You pulled up putting the van in park as you walk to the front door knocking for your dad to let you in, You kept knocking and knocking but no one awnsered you grabbed a bobby pin from you hair pick locking the door.You walk into the house, Your dad wasn't there and it was so quiet you shook it off running up stairs for your walkman, you just firgured that he went to work earlier than usual. You run down the hallway to your room looking for your walkman and cassette,you run back out of the house locking the door behind you.

Time skip to after school :
You head to your locker and you have your head phones in so you couldn't hear anything you place your book in your locker slamming the door of your locker,you walk to your van until you hear a voice yell out your name "y/n ,did you break up with the freak yet?" it was jason you turned around as he smirked "you could be mine now"jason winked looking up and down at you "suck my dick carver, you have a girlfreind"you yell from across the car park, you flipped him off getting into the van and zooming into the distance you decided to stop at your house to see your dad because you haven't seen him for a while you go back home knocking on the door, no awnser you quickly got in the van and drove to Eddie's something wasn't right, you could feel it in your gut.

You got to Eddie's tralior quickly rushing to Eddie "i can't find my dad"you yell "like i called him last night no awnser, this morning no one was home and 20 minute's ago no one was there"you added you could feel your eyes tearing up, he was the only other person that cared for you other than eddie "what should we-" eddie got cut off as the phone rang Eddie walked over picking up the phone "hello"he muttered "yes that's me"he repleid his eyes widend as he stood back from the phone "its for you sweetheart"he paused you walked over grabbing the phone from his hand "yes?" You say into the phone "hello y/n, sorry to inform you but your dad is in the hospital"a reception lady said from the other end of the phone "i-is he okay"you shout as you could feel a tear roll down you face "he isn't doing great"the nurse added "I'll be right there"you hung up the phone "i need to go.."you whispered grabbing the keys of the bench, Eddie grabbed you wrist before you could turn around "im coming"he spoke, It was a silent drive not a nice fun drive like it usually was.

After 10 minutes of silence you and eddie stopped outside the hospital you walk straight up to the receptionist "where is he?"you question "y/n im glad your here"she choked "sadly your father has passed away" she said looking in your teary eyes, you stood there in shock your hands where shaking and you just broke down hugging Eddie, crying into his shoulders you look at the receptionist "u-uhm do you know u-uhm h-how he died"you snuggled choking on your own words "he got beaten to death.."she looked up "I'm so sorry for you loss darling" you nod as a thankyou knowing damn well who did this...

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