the mind flayer

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You soon awoke to Billy's hands lifting you off the backseat, you started to regain your blurry vision seeing headlights in the distance, You were brought into a dark cold area that looked like a shed or an old abounded Warehouse, he took you down a flight of stairs that lead to a basement he sat you on the cold wet ground where he crouched down grabbing your chin to force you to look at him, your eyes where still blurry and you could feel the giant gash on you leg get all sort of dirt and bacteria it stung like hell, but you tried to ignore it while staring at billy "you know, we could rule together" he said in a croaky voice you gathered a lump of spit in you mouth launching in onto him "i would rather die"you mumbled soon a dark figure that looked like a girl emerged from the darkness, it was a life guard from where billy worked her name was heather halloway "heather?" You spoke questioning her "help me, Billy's gone mad" you scream she soon walked over to billy and put her hand on his shoulder resting it there before she spoke "he's not mad y/n, you can join us"she smiled billy soon stood up wiping the spit off his shirt "try not to move, it will hurt more"he groaned out of the darkness you saw a huge figure emerge it was like a HUGE spider the size of a basement "billy, BILLY NO WHAT IS IT" you screamed you saw somthing move to the side of you, you were shaking it was so scary.

The shadow slowly crawled closer and  and billy and heather were just standing there with a small smirk on their face's until BOOM billy fell to the ground as well as heather the shadow stopped moving you looked over seeing eddie with a bat in hand rushing over to you "y/n, y/n"he said patting your face to wake you up he grabbed your legs "ow ow ow" you screech in pain "its okay, y/n stay with me" eddie shouted lifting you up and heading up the stairs you tried to keep your eyes fully open but your eye lids where beginning to weigh a ton again, and Eddie couldn't keep you conscious.

You woke up staring at a roof you lifted your head looking around, you had a huge head ache "ow, my head"you groaned lifting your hand to your head "good your up, how are you feeling?" A fimiliar voice questioned you look over to see eddie standing at the door frame, you were in Eddie's trailor
"Well other than billy and heather tryna kill me or sum shit, my dad dying, my huge head ache, and not to mention the giant gash that a giant log peirced through my thigh, great just great eddie"you say trying to get up "no no no lay back down"he quickly jumped over trying to get you back on the bed "whatever"you scoff as you lay back down staring out the window Eddie began just staring at you "what?" You howled "your sassy when your angry" he said slowly walking towards you "yeah sure" you replied, he sat down on the end of the bed resting his arm on your calf "im sorry about your dad, he was a nice man" he flashed a slight smile as you turn to him "he was great.."you added you sighed "I'm gonna miss him.."you paused "is there anything you want darling?" He asked in a sincere tone "food, and a 6 pack"you pause "I'll go to the shop, i shall be back soon Princess" he said getting up at once he leaned over kissing you on the forehead he walked out in a rush as you waved goodbye from his window and you sighed as you saw him zoom away.

You look around bored out of your mind after ten minutes of Eddie being gone, your eye's where set on the gutiar that was hanging on top of Eddie's mirror you slowly drag you leg off the bed limping over to it, "well I've met you once before haven't i?" Remembering eddie teaching you how to play a song, you limp back over to the bed and start practicing that same song.
As you were in your own little world playing Eddie's gutiar you didn't realise he was already back standing in the door way "well done Darling you remembered it" he giggled "shit, dont scare me eds"you shouted "sorry"he laughed it off, i got the 6 pack, "you know what goes real well with a beer?"he questioned he held up a little bag "this shit" he smirked "wanna get high with me y/n?"he gave you a big grin "eddie..i have been waiting for you to say that for the past week, yes i do"you smiled gesturing for him to come closer.

After a half a hour of you and eddie on your high you began playing two truths and a lie "1.i own my own car, 2. My middle name is y/m/n and i would make out with you right now"you giggled "make out with me is a lie"he smiled "i dont have a car" you laughed so hard "that's why u drive me silly" you blurted out inbetween laughs "oh, right, my turn 1.i smoked weed the first time when i was 17 2.i think your bracelets are cool and last one i would kiss you right now" he smiled "you kiss me?" You questioned he leaned in closer and closer pecking you on the lips "i was 16 not 17" he smiled your eyes widend as you leaned in for another kiss, soon after you were on top of eddie sitting on his lap kissing him he ran his hand down to you waist and started kissing down your neck, you let out a soft moan as you ran you fingers through his messy hair you two were about to start getting serious but was soon stopped by a small knock on the door you looked at the door frame and saw Eddie's uncle standing there "uhm you two look busy never mind"he stood there for a second just staring "I'll be in the living room" he left you then sighed crashing back first on the bed, "there goes our fun"you smiled "its okay y/n at this point the high had worn of completely and you two just started to sit there in silence he grabbed your legs and lifted you into the air "you shall meet my uncle"he smiled bringing you to the living room placing you on the couch "well you must be y/n am i wrong" his uncle laughed "oh yes, sorry" you laughed "jesus christ, what happend to your leg??" He gasped "i-uhm i-"you looked over at eddie for his help "s-she got scratched by her dog while playing you know?" He quickly blurted out non suspiciously.

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