bloody knuckle's

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You hit the ground with a big thud, you didn't know where to go so you started just walking around until you saw a nearby shop you walked in to buy somthing to drink, you grabbed a coke and was looking at a snack to buy aswell, you looked over to see none other than jason carver.

The schools bully, the basketball team's 'leader', the 'jock' of the school, he was wandering down the aisle looking at different snacks "well isn't it the one an only y/n" he rubbed his hands together quickly wandering over to you "piss off carver"you whisper yell "still got that attitude" he whispered getting closer to you, "jason im not joking" you yelled "holy shit, what happened to your face?" He questioned looking at the bloody cut on your face "fuck off jason, i dont like you, you make Eddie's life hell why would i tell you" you say walking away from him, he turned around and he grabbed your arm "let go"you say glancing at his hand for him to let go "jason" you say trying to squirm from his grip, you heard the bell from the door go off "HEY SHE SAID LET GO ASSHOLE"a fimiliar voice yelled from behind you, it was steve followed by robin.
"Let her go man" robin said unhinging Jason's hand from your arm.

"Come one y/n" steve said grabbing you by the back and slowly pushing you out of the store, "thanks guys" you say scratching the back of your neck, "thats okay, but why do you have a huge scratch on your face"steve says looking closer at your cut "oh uhm" you say trying to cover it "you don't need to tell us-"robin said waving her hands around in the air "it's my uncle, i forgot to tell him i was staying at Eddie's house, and he was drunk and i yelled back at him and he uh,  he hit me with a beer bottle" you say playing with your fingers "well if you wanna come by the video store i can get you cleaned up" steve smiled "that's where we work now"robin smiled running a little to the family video store "ta da" robin said shaking her hands "i would like that steve" you smiled and walked over to robin, she held the door open while you and steve walked in "thanks" you smiled looking at robin steve took you to the back while robin was helping customers.
"So you and eddie a thing" steve muttered grabbing stuff to clean the  wound, "y-yeah" you smile "this might sting" steve says dabbing a cotton ball on your face.
"Ow" you groan "sorry" steve apologized "its fine you"quickly assurering him.

He got you cleaned up and asked for a ride somewhere you agreed and he dropped you off at Eddie's trailor, you thanked steve and ran to Eddie's door knocking non stop until he opened "hello sweethea-" without hesitation you pulled him into a big hug and he hugged you back "woah, woah what's wrong y/n?" He walked you inside and waved at steve as a thanks,
"Im not going back"you cried hugging Eddie again he pulled you away and he saw the slice on your face "Did he do this"he said cupping your face.

You nodded and he sat you down and hugged and comforted you, "i love you y/n im not letting you go back, stay here with me and my uncle" he said as his grip on you got tighter "i love you too, but won't you get sick of me" you laugh but in a serious tone "never" he smiled pulling you on his lap.

You two just sat there in silence and hugged for a hood hour, "i need to go grab stuff from my house then" you say not wanting to go back, "okay but I'm coming in, and he if he touches you i will beat the fuck out of him" he said grabbing your hand and lifting you off his lap.

Eddie and yourself arrived at your house to see your uncle's car parked VERY crookedly in the driveway, "looks like someone went out" eddie said with a concerned looked on his face "c'mon lets be quick" you say opening your door "mm" eddie sighed taking your hand outside the front door.

You and eddie quickly but silently made you way inside to were you found frank watching tv the table had been flipped and loads of beer bottles where cramped next to the bin and one had been knocked off and glass was shattered all across the floor you quietly made your way upstairs without frank realising you were there.

You sneaked to your room where you found a patch of blood from where you were cut earlier, eddie slowly shut the door only making a slight sound, you grabbed your suitcase, stuffing shirts trousers and everything you needed into there and began zipping it until you heard your uncle yell "WHO'S IN MY HOUSE"he yelled "shit"you murmered under your breath "i left the door open" eddie said and his eyes widening "we have to go, like right now" you say grabbing the suitcase, my purse is downstairs, on the kitchen counter i will go grab it" you say reaching for the door handle "no he's out there" eddie reached for your wrist pulling it away "okay you go get it, and ill be a distraction" you wink turning to him, he gently kissed your lips and you went to your window eddie slowly opend the door you opened your nightstand and grabbed the gun your dad told you too use if you needed it. You shoved it in your pocket and
You quickly went out your window once again and made a Thud as your feet hit the ground, you looked to your right seeing your uncle with a knife in his hands, he was still really drunk and he was just peering out to see if the introders had left "its not really your house, is it?" you smiled.

He slowly looked over seeing you standing there you quickly started to run and jumped the fence he did aswell, he was chasing you until you made your way to the side of your house where you were stopped by a fence a little too tall for you to climb, "fuck" you whispered under your breath, from around the corner your uncle popped out "running away are we?" He says slowly walking towards you "don't hurt me please" you whispered slowly reaching in your pocket "i wont hurt you my darling" he smiled.

You grabbed the gun from your pocket aiming it at his head "don't move" you said walking towards him "you wouldn't kill your only realative would yo-" all of a sudden you pulled down on the trigger and shot him in the head, he fell to the ground, a small grin appeared on your face as you watched the blood slowly pool around his body  you quickly turned him over and placed the gun next to him to look like he did it, you wiped blood that was on his cheek, his blood on your knuckles you slowly stood up, "burn in hell bitch" you say spitting on him.

You soon walked away like nothing happened to see eddie shoving your suitcase in his van "omg i heard a gun shot are you okay" Eddie rushed over cupping your face "I'm fine lets go" you say quickly rushing into Eddie's van.

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