what a shame

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Around three days later, after you had killed your uncle, the abuser, the rapist, that sick sick man was gone from your life, you felt free for once.

You woke up to see you laying in Eddie's bed his hands where wrapped around you, you looked at him, he was still sleeping it was around 9 so you got up and headed to the kitchen to make eddie breakfast.

You looked over and the phone rang "hello y/n speaking" you said into the phone "hello, im sorry but you uncle has died y/n" a slight grin appeared on your face "what a shame" you said back with your lips curling into a even bigger smile "im sorry for your loss you can come in and grab his belongings if you would like"the lady said from the other end of the phone "how did he die"you say "he shot himself once again im sorry y/n truly" "what a shame...." you say again looking at the hallway seeing Eddie had woken up, "may your uncle rest in peace y/n" the lady said hanging up, "who's that my love?" Eddie said as you put the phone back on its hanger "wrong number" you smiled "okay" eddie shrugged it off "hungry eds?" You questioned putting the frypan on the stove top he wrapped his hands around you waist slowly "very" he smiled kissing your neck.

Hey y'all i hope you enjoyed this story!!!
This was the last chapter i know it was short but that's okay lol

Thanks so much for the reads and votes i appreciate it!!!

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