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⚠️TW MENTION OF SELF HARM⚠️ After a good hour of you sleeping, he slowly got up putting a pillow under your head gently.he let you rest as he walked into his bedroom laying down on his bed, you wake up to a loud bang on the window next too you,you stood up in a flash you looked around not knowing what had happened it was pretty dark, you stumbled over eddies living room rug but caught yourself on the kitchen counter, you quickly walk down the hall to his bedroom as you see him and smile he was reading a magazine up in his bed,he saw your head over the magazine and looked up "hello sleepy"he smiled as he sat the magazine on his night stand,you hopped on the end of his bed "ill be back"he got up and turned on a light on at the hallway you hear the sound of a fridge opening You shuffle up to the head of the bed, resting your head on the bed head he came back with two water bottles he sat one on the nightstand and gave one to you,you opend it shuffling over slowly so you could make room for eddie to sit down,"thanks"you say taking a sip of your water "all good sweetheart"he two sat up in his bed talking until sunrise."could you drop me back off to my house so i can get ready because i dont think i want to wear this shirt to school "no need"he says getting up grabbing a hell fire shirt from his closet.he goes out to the living room waiting for you too change. You put on his t-shirt shoving your other shirt into your bag,you went out with him in the living room "you ready darling?"he says once he see's you standing in the hall "yup!"you replied he got up grabbing your hand you could feel your cheeks explode in redness he opened the car door shutting it, when you got in eddie started the car."Eddie?can i ask you somthing?" "Yeah of course sweetheart!" "Dustin and mike told me, you like me,like more than that true?"you questioned he put one of his hands on your thigh"i dont wanna ruin anything but..yea"he muttered you blushed as you said its fine he gripped his steering wheel "im going to kill them little shits"he says laughing at the same time you giggled and said "eds" he glanced at you with his big brown eyes
"I-I think i like you too for real though" you smiled at him the rest of the way to school, he said he would take you somewhere that night "my special spot"he said glaring at you,he smiled with his big bright and eddie finally arrive with 5 minutes to spare you walk to your locker together as you see your timetable "arghh math first"you frowned he lifted your head up by your chin "i have to go my love"he whispered getting closer to you "okay bye!"he walked away "see you at lunchtime!"he yelled down the hall you giggle and smile soon you shut your locker and see a strange guy standing there staring at you he walked over "your not really dating that douchebag Eddie munson he is a freak you gave this guy a a death glare he backed away and you walked to class when you got there, everyone one stared and started to whispered "look its the freaks girlfreind" you try to ignore it you walked to your desk, slamming your books down,everyone went quiet as you slammed the books down soon the class started and you took notes.After a long 80 minute's the bell went,you got up and left the class without hesitation,all lesson you only heard "freaks girlfreind" "she's a freak too" it made you want to cry,you opend your locker and your eyes started to water just thinking about it, you slammed your locker door as you felt a tear on your cheek you ran to the bathroom closing the stall behind you,you opened your bag to find your blade you sat on the toilet and pulled up your bracelets, you heard the door open gently as you sniffled "y/n are you in here?" It was eddie you quickly wiped your tears,put the blade away before you could do anything and flushed the toilet walking out to wash your hands he looked at you seeing your eyes are watery "what happens y/n"he said reaching for a hug you hugged him back "just allergies"you sniffed making it look real, he grabbed your hand glancing at your bracelets why do you wear so many bracelets?"he laughed "i-i like the way they look" you mumbled "just know that you can tell me anything"he said glaring into your eyes, he pushed your hair behind your ear "anything" he said making sure it got to you "im fine, really Ed's" "okay lets go to lunch now" he grabbed your hand opening the door for you,you guys make your way to the cafeteria sitting at Eddie's table you sit in silence while they make plans for the last DnD game eddie put his hand on your thigh noticing you had zoned out the bell went and you got up for your next two classes.

Time skip to the end of the day!!

It was the end of the day and you were grabbing your bag remembering that you were going to Eddie's special spot, you got excited,you shut your locker and started walking you acidentally ran into a guy you had seen before he looked very fimiliar,he was 5,10 with cool brown hair, "im so sorry!"you apologize your eyes meet and he smiles "oh thats okay"he assured you "you are?"he questioned "oh y/n and you?" "Steve,steve Harrington" "omg I remember you,you worked at scoops a'hoy!!"you added "yea i did well i need to go but nice to meet you y/n" he waved and walked away "bye steve" you continued walking to Eddie's van you saw him waiting there for you,you ran up giving him a kiss on the cheek.

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