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He dragged you and el into the middle of the stairway and crouched down "don't move guys"he whispered you and el started to stare at him before speaking "billy..rember the time when we went to your house, the day you told me you loved me"you said he stared deep into your eyes "i told you that i love you too" you say with a tear running down your cheek to the floor " remember when you were on the beach, you were surfing, and your mum, she was beautiful she had a huge hat, yellow and blue sandals, 7 feet the wave was"she began to cry, all you had to do was give him memory's to feed into so he would snap out of it, well agleast you thought so you kept giving him memories.

All of a sudden a huge sparked behind him lucas had thrown a firework at the mind flayer, billy grunted in pain "rember the time you first saw me, you asked if you wanted to get dinner and i said yes, that's when i became you girlfreind, we were in your car for a late night drive, you kissed me" you smiled with tears rolling down your cheeks still he slowly got up without an expression on his face, he stood there Max eddie and Mike had came running back out you slowly looked over and max was stood there in shock, he had blood dripping from his chest his white tank top slowly turning red as the fireworks stung him and the mind flayer.

The mind flayer went to attack el and yourself, you quickly hugged el and blocked her so the mind flayer couldn't touch her after a few seconds of the tight hug you looked back to see El's face in shock and billy blocking you, the mind flayer had started to feed on billy "BILLY" you heard max scream from behind you the last fire work had been thrown and the mind flayer started to slowly disintegrate as billy layed there with blood all over him you and max quickly scurried over to him.

"Billy are you okay, I'm here billy" max assured as you tried to find the gash that was causing him to bleed you grabbed you shirt tugging it to grab a larger piece of clothing "stay with me billy" you sobbed as you tired it around his stomach "I'm sorry max...y/n I wasn't a good brother, or boyfreind he chuckled "no billy stay with me" you grabbed his face sobbing "BILLY"max yelled his face slowly lost emotion.
He was dead, you reached over hugging max into a HUGE hug she sobbed to the point you had to pull away from the hug to realise the mall was catching on fire from the fireworks.
"We need to get out of here" you cough inhaling smoke.

You get up pulling max up and getting el,mike and eddie the others had already made it out, you left billy there, you felt so bad for max.

You and max just sat outside in the back of Nancy's car crying holding eachother in your arms, after agleast  20 minute's of hugging and crying you told max she needed to go home and try to sleep "o-i-okay"she stuttered wiping her tears. You an eddie got dropped back off at the shop after having police officer's interviewing you about how the fire started, you just said you found it like this and walked away.

You hugged max once more before leaving you felt bad for leaving her, and you felt so bad because she would somehow have to tell her step dad and mother.

"Hey y/n I'm sorry i know you loved billy, he's gone to a good place" Eddie said resting his hand on your thigh "yeah he was nice when he wanted to be"you giggled wiping your tears.

You soon ended up at Eddie's trailor, it was like a comfort place for you, you went inside with him and cleaned the bruises and scratches on Eddie's face.

you ended up sobbing yourself to sleep while Eddie cuddled you reassuring you that it wasn't your fault and he was in a good place now.

(Hey, i hope y'all are enjoying also i will be making a little more not sure when i will publish it though, i might publish one every night till maybe sunday?
Im not sure though, but thanks for all the reads I'm so glad y'all are enjoying this!)

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