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(hey y'all, I just wanted to say this part and the next few chapter's will be a little hectic, i will put warning of mentions before i write them, this story contains self harm and the mention of rape so if you not comfortable please do not read thankyou!)

You and Eddie's uncle had been talking for a few minutes until he realised "wait, why are you guys even up," he questioned " its so late?" He laughed "let's just say we've had a rough few days.." you say scratching your head, Eddie's uncle raised his brow.

"What do you mean?"
He asked leaning forward looking at eddie in confusion "my uh, my dad passed away yesterday" you stuttered "oh my gosh, y/n, im so sorry, im sure he was a lovely man" he smiled trying to comfort you "thanks" you smiled "well i better go to bed, it's okay if i stay the night mr.munson?, I dont wanna intrude at all" you said making sure it was okay "of course it's okay"mr Munson said with a smile.
You walked to Eddie's room and he soon followed saying goodnight to his uncle "are you sure it's okay if i stay?" You question rubbing you arm, "of course sweetheart"he lightly smiled "i like your company"he said laying down on the bed with you he turned off the lamp next him on the night stand and cuddled you all night, making sure you were okay and nothing was going to happen to you.

You woke up with Eddie's hand wrapped around you waist and him snoring you grab his wrist gently so you could escape from the cuddle, you walked out into the hallway taking a deep breathe collapsing on the couch it was silent, too silent you looked around then down and your leg seeing the giant gash wrapped up in slightly bloody bandages, you slowly look at you wrist seeing all your bracelets bundled together you slowly pull them down revealing your scars, you tried to fight the urge to cut yourself again but it was to difficult.... It felt like everything in this cursed world was against you.

You walked to the kitchen seeing a big knife holder sitting there,you slowly reach for the knife trying to make much noise to wake Eddie.

You roll up your bracelets once again making it easier to cut, in one big motion your deep cut turned red, your eyes tearing up in pain and the red crimson colour rolling down you wrist onto the bench.

"what are you doing" you heard Eddie's voice mumble from the living room, he scared the shit out of you making you drop the knife on the Counter you looked over he was wearing black ripped jeans and no shirt revealing his tattoos and faded abs, he slowly walked over to see a small pool of your blood on the counter "did you cut yourself?" He thought you acidentally did until he saw you weren't even chopping anything "no" you gasp hiding your wrist he quickly grabbed you arm looking down at the fresh cut you had just made on you wrists "d-did you just-"he paused, a tear rolled down your cheek, you were so ashamed of yourself it had been 4 months since you last cut.
He pulled you into a tight hug avoiding you wrist "why didn't you say anything?"he questioned in a serious tone "i-i haven't been doing it lately, I thought if I didn't say anything i-it would make me stop.."you sobbed resting your head in the crook of Eddie's shoulder, "come with me darling" he said leading you to the bathroom, he grabbed a bottle of disinfectant that was meant for cuts "you might get an infection y/n, those are the dirtiest knife's" he mumbled lightly taking your arm and dabbing a cotton pad with disinfectant on it "i love you y/n, next time please tell me" he said looking up at you with puppy eye's "mm" you mumbled. After he  finished taking care of it you walked back too the couch before you sat down you thought you better go..

"i-i better go home and uh call my uncle tell her about dad" you paused with tears in you eye's, "okay I'll drop you off" Eddie smiled "okay" you say getting up walking to the door Eddie had rushed to his room grabbing his denim jacket and put it on sith nothing else other than his black jeans.

In the car you tried to just stare out the window and not think about anything
"How long?" Eddie whispered
You looked at him to see he is staring deep into your eyes
"2 years.."you numbly said "call me, before you even think about doing it again okay?, Call me"he said making sure you nodded he placed his hand on you thigh waiting for a worded awnser, "y-yep" you say turning you focus back onto the window "okay well we are here, do you want me to come in or just leave?" Eddie said looking at you "y-you can go if you want go do somthing you like okay" you assured him he would see you tonight "i love you, y/n"
He said kissing your forehead
"Love you too eds" you say jumping out of the car.

Eddie zoomed off into the distance as you waved bye to him,
you unlocked the door and headed inside where you took you shoes off staring at a painting that hung on the wall, it was of you and your father. you  un-hung it from the wall taking it up to your room where you hung it back on a hook above your bed "i love you dad" you sighed kissing your fingers and placing them on the painting.

After a little bit of crying you wiped your tears on your sleeve and went down to the home phone where you grabbed the stack of phone numbers looking for your uncle's.

As your dialling the number you stop thinking about everything that could go wrong, you pushed through the thoughts and continued to dial the number pressing the cold phone to you ear "hello this is frank l/n" his voice filling the room "uh-hey uncle frank, it's y/n, i-i just wanted to call, uhm d-dad died"you say sobbing into the phone "y/n im so sorry, give me your address and ill fly over as soon as i can" he said you knew this wasn't a good idea as what has happened between your father and uncle in the past, 
He was the only person who you knew to call so you gave him you address and made small talk "the earliest ill be able to fly in is tommorow"he said "yeah, that's okay I'll just be at the house see you tommorow night" you paused "okay sweetie stay safe"he assured you that he would see you tommorow and soon hung up leaving you standing there staring at the phone.

you decided to just take a small nap so you did, walking up the stairs to your bed all you could think about is what had happend in the past with your father and uncle.
You see when you were 7 years old he had gotten really really drunk and had raped and put your mother in the hospital, that was before she died, you knew he was bad news but you thought about how he would feel about his own brother dying, soon you found yourself crying and crying not being able to stop,you ended up crying yourself to sleep.

fake Love... | eddie munson x y/n |Where stories live. Discover now