Billy's gone mad

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You looked over at eddie in the car he was gripping the steering wheel tightly staring onto the road "uhm eddie, c-can we stop somewhere really quick i need to go do somthing.." the sound of you voice Calmed Eddie's nerves down for a second "go down this road and turn left then right" you let out a big fake smiled, why would i smile you  thought to yourself.
Soon after overthinking you were already down the street you wanted to be. "just stop here don't park down any further" you opend the door and quickly shut it, your legs paused you then re opend the door "don't follow me I'll only be a second"you whispered to Eddie. walking into the distance you knew this was a bad idea, you didn't care you were going to confront him, who else would of done this.Soon you were standing outside a VERY fimiliar house your hand slowly knocked on the door, soon you heard a "MAX, GET THE DAMN DOOR" a small girl with red hair and freckles opened the door she was wearing a walkman so she took them of "yes?" She spoke "billy here?" Your voice trembled "BILLY FOR YOU"the girl yelled "he'll be here in a second" she said putting her headphones back on walking away. "Shit"you mumbled your legs where begging to shake aswell as your hands you then saw billy standing there "miss me already, y/n?"he said going to take you hand "cut the crap"you say moving it quickly "i know what the fuck you did your sick"you yell at him "y/n, what are you talking about?" He said looking up with his puppy eye's "don't even, you killed my fucking father and your going to admit it right here right the fuck now" you added "what the..fuck"he yelled "are you drunk or somthing?" He added in one huge swoop you slapped him across the face, you had soon realised what you had done...

You stood there in shock "shit, billy i-" soon he had cut you off walking closer to you "do that again, i dare you"he yelled "billy- i-" "PUSSY" he yelled gripping his hand, he slowly backed away and you ran down the porch stairs with tears rolling down you face "i know you did it.."you added, as you started walking away, you got to the grass as you heard billy walking behind you.
You started walking faster and faster to the road the walking had stopped until you heard a engine, you slowly looked behind you "fuck, billy stop!" You yell as you started to sprint soon he was going fast in his car he was so close to swooping you of the road but he missed you.
You jumped into Eddie's van "DRIVE" you yell "what-" he groaned "FUCKING DRIVE EDDIE" soon eddie had started to recklessly drive swerving through the road "what did you do y/n?" "I CONFRONTED HIM, I KNOW HE KILLED MY DAD" you yell tears streaming down you cheeks, Eddie was pissed off he knew he would be in another fight you keep looking out the mirror noticing billy slowly driving faster and faster so was Eddie he wasn't going to let him win.
10 minutes of billy right behind you "woods" you whispered "what?" Eddie whispered "go to the woods we will run away"you yell eddie quickly swerved to the side, along with billy you run as fast as you can into the woods with Eddie's hand in yours dragging him knowing you are faster than billy. You soon get to the picnic table in the middle of the woods where you and eddie crouch down behind a huge tree covering yourselves in branches and leaves as a disguse "MUNSON, I KNOW SHE'S HERE" Billy's voice echoed through the woods you turned to look at Eddie his hand slowly covering you mouth, he put his finger up "shh" he blurted out he picked up a rock and tossed it as far as he could to get Billy's attention it landed in a nearby lake billy then smiled walking over to the lake as his footsteps slowly got more quiet you and Eddie came out running from your hiding spot making a run for it.

It wasn't a far run but it felt like a long run after billy noticed you had tricked him Eddie was running infront of you every now and again making sure your still there you could see the van it wasn't far you thought in your head.
You saw a big ish log and you went to jump over it but stopped as you fell, a giant wood peace slid into your thigh as you fell "fuck" you yelped trying not to scream you gripped the leaves next to you "shit shit shit"eddie said scurrying over to you "I'm going to lift you okay"he whisper yelled "eddie just go I'll be distraction"you gripped eddies jacket trying to push him away "what the fuck no y/n, he will kill you" he said glaring down at the huge wood peace that was sliced through you thigh "no, he won't" you added gripping him in pain "go call for help" you groan he quickly ran to the van looking around for a walkie talkie he couldn't find one so you gestured for him to drive to the trailor to call for help, he looked back at you with a cluster of tears on the verge to spill he quickly drove off "hope this works.." you whispered  "BILLY HELP...HELP BILLY" you yell in pain soon billy had came he picked you up with no emotion on his face and just carried you to his car where he chucked you on the back seat at this point your eyes where blurry and you where soon laying unconscious on Billy's back seat due to loss of blood.

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