uncle Frank's first impression

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(story contains a little heated make out session )

Two hours later you woke up from your nap you couldn't be bothered doing anything for the rest of the day so you just stared out you window until you fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up with mascara stains on your face from crying, you got up and headed for the shower, you turned the water on so it was practically burning your skin, you hoped in wiping your face countinuesly so the mascara would wash away.
As you washed your face the water on your cuts stang and began burning, aswell as the giant gash on your leg.

you kind of liked the pain, but you soon hopped out noticing the gash started to bleed again.

After some time you hoped out and got in a new outfit you put on some blue ripped jeans and a black bra you walked to you dad's room going through his closet picking up a shirt it had one of your favourite bands you and him listen to every time you were in the car, it was a black Metallica shirt, "you, i choose you" you smiled bringing the shirt closer to your heart, you slipped the shirt on, it was really big on you it was like it was swallowing you whole, it went down past your mid thighs you didn't really care as it made you feel closer to your dad.

You went downstairs and went to the fridge seeing nothing, you shut the fridge letting out a big sigh, you walked over to the pantry seeing a can of spaghetti O's.
"Yeah whatever you'll do" you say shutting the pantry getting out a pot and slopping all the spaghetti O's in the pot, you turned the stove on a sat there waiting for them to heat up.
After a little bit of waiting they were finally warmed up, you shoved them in a bowl and grabbed a spoon.
You slowly started to eat them and once you were finsihed you heard a knock at the door, you got up heading to the door "hey love" eddie smiled holding a cassette tape, a movie and a six pack in hand "hey Eddie" you let him in "i brought you some stuff" he smiled you looked in his hand seeing the stuff he had brought "wanna watch your favourite?, Top gun?" He smiled you nod as you walk to the living room, Eddie followed behind you with the six pack still in hand setting it down on the coffee table.

He crouched down struggling to play the movie you sat on the couch as eddie finally shoved in the movie he grabbed a beer handing it to you, you opend the beer and start chugging away opening another one soon after "i called my uncle he is flying over today,he should be here soon actually" you say eyes set on the movie "good y/n now you won't be alone here" he smiled putting his hand around you shoulder, you rested you head on his shoulder and snuggled up to his chest, he started to play with you hair "well not exactly he put my mum in the hospital.."you sighed "before she died" you added "why'd you call him then?"Eddie asked "he is the only family i really have.."you realised "you have me, and my uncle" eddie smiled "your my girlfriend so technically if i propose to you, you'll be family" he smirked, you laughed for a good 10 seconds realising he was being serious. "what's so funny about that?" He question sitting up "why would you wanna marry me?" You say laying your head on his lap "because y/n.you are the sweetest most caring, smart, BEAUTIFUL, CUTE, EXTRAORDINARY GIRL I'VE EVER MET, and im so so so glad i met you" he smiled you just giggled at him "at first you wanted me to make your ex jelous" at this point you were practically crying because of laughter, Eddie joined in the laugh as well "oh i bet she is jelous now" he smirked leaning down for a kiss, you soon layed back up and faced eddie "im glad i met you too"you smile,after a while your eyes where set on the movie until eddie shuffled a little closer to the point he was sitting directly next to you, you looked over to see eddie staring at you, you kissed him on the nose playfully looking back at the screen you realised he was still staring at you, you tried to ignore him but he slowly leaned in kissing you neck he slowly started making his way up further  your neck where left a trail of hickeys all over your neck  "Eddie" you moaned he hit your sensitive spot "yes my love?"he questioned as you could feel his lips slowly turn upwards into the grin he always has plastered on his face.
"What are you doing?"you ask,your eyes still set on the TV'S screen "kissing my girlfreind" he mumbled kissing your neck even more, he put his hand on you thigh you turned to him "eddie" you say softly "mm" he moaned still kissing your neck you look him in the eyes after he stopped to look at you "okay" he smiled, you liked how you didn't need to say anything he could just tell when you'd had enough.
After he slightly shuffled back over, you could tell he was enjoying you, you started to feel bad so you shuffled over to him so this time you were sitting right next to him you leaned over and this time you started to kiss his neck leaving a big hickey on his neck you were kissing his neck until he let out a small moan, you found his sweet spot you started kissing there until he looked down "i thought-" he got cut off by your lips smashing against his "y/n we dont need-" he got cut off again "babe?" You say "yes sweetheart?"he looked down again "shut up" you say crawling on top of him you went back to kissing his neck but you didn't have the patience like Eddie did,  you once again collided your lips with his "what are you doing" Eddie Asked "kissing my boyfreind" you leaned back and winked "so were doing that game are we?"he said raising his eyebrows.
You sat there making out with every kiss being passionate, your hands where all over Eddie exploring, you hands ended up running through his hair as he tugged the hem of your shirt "may i?"he gasped for air, you nodded instead of a full response.
"Your so beautiful" Eddie said his eyes exploring you body going back into kissing you, he slipped his denim jacket off slowly chucking it next to him on the couch, next with his shirt revealing his tattoo's you were about to take of your Jean's until all of a sudden the door swung open, it was your uncle, uncle frank.

"Shit he's here" you whispered jumping off eddies lap you grabbed you shirt and quickly put it on "y/n?, Darling im here now" his voice filled the room, you quickly scurried out fixing you hair from when you where making out with Eddie
"Y/n" he yelled bringing you in for a hug, you didnt really expect him to give you a hug but you tried to ignore the strong smell of beer and hug him back, Eddie then walked out "who are you?" Frank raised his brow "frank this is my boyfreind, Eddie"you slightly smile he held his hand out for Eddie to shake it and he did you held Eddie's hand because you were getting nervous.

"Follow me this is uh your room" you said leading him to the spare room "thanks darling" he put his bags down and started to unpack "make yourself at home you smile.
Walking away your smile starts to fade you walk up to eddie "I don't like him, he reeks of beer"you say looking into Eddie's eyes "me either" he whispered back "please stay at my house y/n"he smiled "yeah, i will just tonight though"you smile back.

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