3 months later

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It was around 3 months later, you had been too 2 funerals, your dads and Billy's. Your uncle frank decided he would come to live in hawkins with you, he claimed it would be 'a fresh start', you knew it was bullshit so you tried to stay away from him.

At school :
You were sitting in your last period class with your headphones on listening to some music, music was like a escape from reality,  while you where writing notes the teacher had put on the board *ding ding* the bell had went and you quickly got up and walked out of class leaving the assignment on the teachers desk, you flashed the teacher a smile as you walked out to you locker.
You shoved you books in and grabbed your
bag, you felt a cold set of hands grip around your waist "holy shit what are you doing-" you yell as you turn around to see Eddie with his shit eating grin plastered on his face "didn't mean to scare you sweetheart as he took off your headphones "hi eds you scared the shit out of me" you say smiling, you leant over and gave Eddie a small kiss
"Are you coming over tonight"he says hands still planted around your waist, "yeah of course, I'll just call my uncle at your house" you said shutting your locker, Eddie grabbed your hand and lead you out of the hallway out to the front of the school "hey freak" jason yells "how's your girlfreind"he winks looking you up and down.
You look over to see jason "shut it carver before i beat the shit out of you" you yell flipping him off "like to see you try"he yelled walking towards you, you looked over at Eddie as he squeezed your hand tight "Eddie don't"you whispered "hey whore, freak" he smiled as he was standing directly across from you on the footpath, "don't even carver" you say pushing him away from his shoulder, you looked over seeing Eddie giving him a look that said 'get the fuck away'.
"What's wrong freak, won't take the first hit?" Jason said getting up in his face, lucky before Eddie could think you got in between eddie and jason "look jason, as you could proably tell your pissing us off, so i would suggest taking your weak little basketball playing ass right back to your car and piss off" you say getting in his face, as you stared at jason walking away you looked behind you too see Eddie with that same shit eating grin on his face, "what?" You say opening your door "your actaully scary you know that, right?"he said giggling,
He hopped into the van and drove to the trailor.

You made your way to Eddie's trailor where you took you shoes off and sat on the couch, it was an exhaustng day today.

You and eddie put on a movie and snuggled up into each other's arms and you passed out you were so tired.

"Good morning love" eddie said with a smile as you opend your eyes, you were in his bed with his big arm's wrapped around you, "morning" you grunt wiping your eyes "hungry?"eddie questioned as he went to get up "stay" you whined pulling him back "okay just five more minutes"he giggled as he got back into the bed.

Eddie reached over his nightstand to pull out a cigarette and lighter, he placed the cigarette inbetween his lips and lit the end puffing out the smoke "want some" he smiled, "its 9 am eds, you shouldn't be smoking"you giggled grabbing the cigarette and puffing out a bit of smoke he smiled as he got up heading down the hallway to the kitchen where he grabbed two bowls and put cereal and milk in, he handed you a bowl and a spoon and you and eddie ate the cereal in silence, "SHIT I FORGOT TO TELL FRANK" you yell shooting up "I'll drop you off if you want" eddie smiled grabning his keys "thanks" you say grabning his hand leading him to the van he got the door for you and quickly ran to the drivers side and zoomed away.

You made it to your house giving eddie a kiss on his cheek "bye love"eddie said with a huge smile on his face "bye Ed's"you smiled back running into the house "Y/N, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" a drunken voice called from the hallway of upstairs, "I WAS WORRIED" he revealed himself with a beer bottle in his hand he chugged away at his beer "sorry frank i was at Eddie's-"you got cut off by his hand slamming down on the hand railing of the hallway stairs "NO YOU TELL ME WHERE YOUR GOING"he yelled slowly walking towards you "im sorry" you say with a tear in you eye "I DON'T WANT YOU SEEING THAT BOY"he yelled in your face "NO HE'S MY BOYFREIND" you yell back "NO YOUR NOT SEEING HIM" he slammed the glass beer bottle across the wall making it crumble to peices, the peice in his hand was very sharp, he got you on the wall and pinned you there with his elbow to your neck, as he waved the bottle around you face "YOUR NOT SEEING HIM" he yelled waiting for an awnser "no" you whispered grabbing his shoulder, you flung you foot up at hit him where it hurt, you quickly ran to your room and tried locking the door but it swung open with him standing angrily "you little bitch" he said walking towards you, you were sitting against the wall as he threw the glass bottle at you leaving a small cut on your face "ow" you groaned as he hit your head.

"STOP"you yell as you pushed him off into the bed he fell down and you quickly scrambled up to go to the bathroom this time you locked the door "OPEN UP Y/N"your uncle screamed trying to open the door, you quickly opened the window shoving yourself out and jumping off your roof,  'its isn't that high' you thought to yourself as you jumped down landing on the concrete down below.

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