Chapter 2

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Waking up felt like it took forever. My body ached and I grew puzzled about the hard surface I was laying on. I opened my eyes to find that I was laying on the bench in the doctors office, rather than my own bed.

I groaned as I sat up, placing my hands over my face, feeling the dampness of my forehead from my wet hair. I was still in the soaked clothes from the night before which had now become damp, drying slightly in the night but not enough. My shoes were sprawled out on the floor, drunkenly kicked off in separate directions. I tried hard to remember the prior night. After I had went inside, I went to the bar with Jay—but my thoughts were replaced by a dull but growing pounding in my head.

I was so sick of doing this to myself. I ran my fingers through my messy hair with frustration, and squeezed my eyes closed tightly. I flinched as the door squeaked open and the bright lights flickered on, making me groan as I sat up.

But the person at the door wasn't Jay—it was Beta Jason. I held my breath and stopped myself from making any sudden moves. Beta Jason was a strong, intimidating male with Black hair and brown eyes so dark they resembled obsidian. He was Alpha Damians right hand man. Though we had grown up in the same pack along with Delta Joehn, he still made me uneasy.

No doubt, he was here to scold me for telling a pack mate to go off and drown.
"Alec?" He asked.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Good" he decided.
My eyes evaded to the side in confusion. I gasped as he walked over and tilted my chin to the side, scanning my neck briefly. He drew in a breath and let me go.
"You're in your third year?"
My face heated.
"Third year of what?" I hissed.
"Yeh. Thats all I need to hear."
I scowled at Beta Jason.
"Why do you care?"

"Do you know anyone from the Burning Tree Pack?"
I shook my head.
"I need you too meet someone soon."
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Why?" I asked.

He paused then turned around, facing the door.
"Have you ever once wanted to help the pack? Attempt to actually have a real place here, where you actually feel like you belong? I'm not just talking about some random doctors assistant position your were offered out of pity."
He paused and turned back to me.
"Don't you want to be more than just taking up space?"

I had never considered being something more than who I already was. Even though I felt the desire for belonging, I didn't know where to start other than finding my mate. But at this point, what did I want?

"Fine, I'll do it" I sighed.
Jason patted me on the back.
"Thats what I like to hear. The happiness of the pack comes before the happiness of one."
He then disappeared out the door and came back with a dress shirt and pants.
"Put these on."
"We're doing this now?" I asked, my eyebrows raising. 
Jason threw his head back and sighed loudly in annoyance.
"Too many questions, I don't like questions, just leads to more questions."
"Whatever" I sighed as Jason turned around to let me change.

I hurried up and slipped on the new dress shirt, followed by the pants. Everything fit me perfectly.

Jason turned, looked me up and down, and quickly crossed the room and began adjusting my clothes hastily. He leaned forward suddenly and frowned as he scented the air.
"Hungover" he muttered to himself.
Jason suddenly pushed his hand through my hair and popped open one of the top buttons of my shirt.

"Good, good" he muttered. I furrowed my eyebrows but Jason explained nothing as he began to walk out of the room.
"Come with me" he called out. I sighed and followed close behind.

"I need you to be quiet when I'm talking to this person. Don't talk until he talks to you or I introduce you. You will be kind and well mannered. If I see you make any unwelcoming and rude comments or expressions, I'll put you down."
He stopped abruptly and spun around, his eyes holding an intense glare of intimidation.
"You hear me? This man is important. We need him to like our pack. We need him so we can stay strong and survive."

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