Chapter 11

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As my wounds and concussion healed, I was able to return to work at the doctors office along side Jay. However, despite my faded burns and my un-bandaged hand, Alpha Damian still had me come to his office everyday until he was done with his reports.

I walked a thin wire after Jasons threats, rejecting Damian was no longer an option. My days grew long as I attempted to find a loophole—anything. But the best I could do was keep my distance from Damian. And to my surprise, he allowed it.

I laid on the couch in the Alpha's office. The room was drenched in the colours of the sunset as Damian scribbled something onto one document after another.

I turned my gaze to the window that faced the small pond outside and noticed a russet coloured wolf on the other side.

I froze as I locked eyes with them. I knew that it probably couldn't see me, that the reflection of the glass blocked me from its view. And yet, it stared as if it saw me clear as day. I turned to Damian, my mouth barely opening to mention it.

I looked back and watched the wolf disappear into the bush. I hadn't seen a red wolf around before. But then again, maybe I would have if I were around my pack more.

"Do we have red wolves in our pack?" I asked suddenly. Damian glimpsed at me.
"Only one, why?" He asked.
"The elders used to tell me that they were a bad omen to the pack" I said thoughtfully.
"You listen to their folk tales to much" he decided.

"I think some have truth to them" I replied.
Damians gaze flicked up to me briefly, then back to his desk.
"I was told that if you had a mate that was the same sex as you, it was because the moon goddess wanted to end your bloodline but just had no luck with killing off you or your ancestors" said Damian.
"Really? So does that mean you're destined for bad luck?" I laughed.
"No, it just means I get to fuck you after I finish todays reports."

I scowled at Damian as he laughed at me.
"But we don't have to wait if you're that upset about it" he teased as he began writing something down.

"Knock it off" I warned.

A knock came to the door and Damian called for them to enter. Beta Jason opened the door, a smile on his face.
"Good afternoon, Alpha Damian."
Jason turned to me and waved.
"Hello Alley."
"Drop dead" I whispered back.

"Any reports?" Questioned Damian.
"Evening patrol just finished. They said that there still has been no sign of Red Water. They happened to meet the Burning Tree patrol and they said they hadn't had a fight with Red Water in two weeks either. They say that Alpha Taurus expects that they're preparing for something."

Alpha Damian narrowed his eyes.
"We'll add more people to the patrols for now. I'll contact Burning Tree and we'll seal the alliance."

I felt a ping of terror strike me. I didn't want to have to witness another battle. I felt my stomach flip and I turned away from the conversation. I didn't want to hear about any of it anymore. It was too much. I felt a hand place on my side and I jolted. I looked up and locked with Damians eyes. The conversation was over and Jason was gone.

"Come on, lets get you to bed before you fall asleep" said Damian.
I got up and we began the walk to my room.
"You don't like hearing about Red Water?" Asked Damian suddenly.
I looked up at Damian as we made our way through the now empty halls of the pack.
"It's not my favourite topic" I admitted.
"You won't be in any danger" assured Damian.
"That's—" but I paused. That wasn't it.

We stopped at my door and Damian grabbed my hand, gently turning me to him.
"If you're scared you can always stay with me" said Damian.
"It's you I'm scared of—I don't think you'd actually let me sleep and I don't think you'd let me leave" I retorted as he leaned against the doorway.

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