Chapter 19

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I woke up, my breathing strained and my body weak as I came to my senses. As my eyes just barely opened, I could see the light that flooded the room, the sun slowly seeping in through the white curtains that thinly veiled the window.

But despite the warm hue of the sun, the more awake I became the more I realized how cold I was. As I curled into my blankets, I suddenly felt a warm object and moved closer to it. And in return, my heat source pulled me in gently. My tired eyes opened slowly as I looked up, my nose brushing Taurus'.

"You're awake" remarked Taurus as he felt my forehead.
My mind caught up poorly to the situation as I stared up at him, utterly confused and lost. "I'll get you to take some more of these antibiotics here."

My eyes widened slightly and my head turned as I attempted to take in my surroundings. I was in a white shirt and black sweatpants—any cuts or scrapes accumulated from the night before treated and bandaged. And from what I could tell, I wasn't at Gray Blood anymore.

I was in Taurus' room.

I tried my best to remember the previous night, but all I knew was I went to the border and Taurus found me and I had fainted from my fever. I looked back at Taurus as he leaned over the night stand, rummaging around for something.

I watched him closely, his broad shoulders and strong chest shirtless, scars scattered across his lower back like shooting stars. And as Taurus' waist turned slightly back to me, I caught sight of the rigid v-line that poked out from his black sweatpants. A white bandage ran up from his abdomen to the middle of his stomach and another covered half of his left shoulder. My eyes wandered up his back and I staggered as I caught sight of a set of scars that started at his shoulders and ran down his back.

My scars.

Those were my scars that I left.

I tipped forward instinctively, but Taurus turned back to me and I paused as he handed me a glass of water and two large pills.
"Dr. Sam said to take these twice a day."

I grabbed the pills and swallowed them along with the water.
"How long have I been asleep for?" I asked as I handed the glass back to him.
"Just the night" said Taurus as he placed the cup back on the table. "I took you home in the evening and it's about ten o'clock now."
"I-I've been here that long?" I managed quickly. "Does Dr. Jay and Jason know? Does... does..."

I stopped as my thoughts came together.

Does Damian know?
I paused.
Would he even care now?
I felt the pit in my stomach widen at the question.

"I called both of them" reassured Taurus. "Jay was just happy that you hadn't fainted somewhere alone and Jason wants to come pick you up as soon as he can. He's quite anxious about it all but Jay said it would be best for you to stay in one place for the night since your fever got so bad."

"That makes sense" I agreed absently.
I felt guilt swell in my chest as I thought of the stress I had put them through. It felt like all they did recently was worry about me.
"And they told me that they were glad at least that you could finally sleep."
"Yeah, I haven't been getting that much sleep lately..." I admitted quietly.
"I suppose it has to do with Damian?"
My cheeks reddened and Taurus laughed softly.
"I figured he'd be mad after the stunt I pulled."
I looked up at Taurus at the mention of the fight, my expression beginning to pull into a tired scowl as he teased me. But as I looked at Taurus, I noticed the scar on his eyebrow from the fight and I paused, my face softening as I remembered what had happened.

I reached up instinctively and traced it with my thumb, taking him off guard. But as he studied me, Taurus' eyes softened and he brushed my hair back.

"You know I would never treat you like that" he said softly.
I paused for a moment as Taurus' eyes flickered with a new emotion.
"Treat me like what?" I uttered—my chest tightening.
"Ignore you. Neglect you."
"How do you know that he-"
"It only took me seconds to see how sick you were" he said quickly. "Your mate should be able to tell Instantly and it's obvious you've been sick for too long—but you went to a dangerous border fight anyways just to see if he would be there."
"Don't..." I began, my tired mind trying to keep up with him.
"Damian hasn't been taking care of you. The moment he left with you, I knew he wouldn't. He was too angry over something you had no control over."

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