Chapter 7

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I looked up and Alpha Michaels crimson hand grabbed my throat, squeezing hard.
"We're all killers" he hissed, as he leaned down to my ear. "It's all about who's better at it."
He pulled back and I froze as I realized that it was no longer Alpha Michael. It was Alpha Damian, his hand pressing harder into my throat.

His blue eyes froze me and he brought his other hand up to my neck and pushed down.
"And who's better off dead."

My eyes shot open as I woke up from my nightmare with a jolt. My body ached at the movement and I winced at the searing pain around my neck as I tried to move. My eyes adjusted to the light of the small run down room.

As my memories came back to me, I realized the room was familiar and my eyes widened.

I was in the old pack house of Red Sun—the pack house that Alpha Michael ruled but was now known as Red Water.
At the realization, I filled with panic. I pulled forward, jerking up as hard as I could—but I was met with immediate resistance. I looked down quickly—my wrists were tied down to the bed, leaving me restrained.

I studied myself, a needle in my arm and a tube attached, blood flowing through it.
My eyes flickered up and I froze as a man entered the room. He walked over, towering over me but his brown eyes narrowed as he watched my arm.

I stared up at him, too terrified to move as he watched me.
"W-Who the fuck are you?" I whispered, my mouth dry.
The mans eyes snapped to mine, then flicked back to my arm.
"You smell like Alpha Damian" said the man suddenly. "But you are not marked."
His thin hand poked the crook of my neck.
"At least not fully."
My face reddened and he pulled the needle from my arm and pulled up a bag full of blood.

My eyebrows furrowed.
They took some of my fucking blood.
"Hope you don't mind" said the man suddenly. "Some of my men need some transfusions."
"Creatures won't be able to take my blood" I said.
"Not all of my men are creatures" he said calmly.
My eyebrows pulled together and the man put the blood away.
"You're the doctor of Red Water?" I asked.

The man looked up at me.
"Closest thing to one" he replied as he pulled down his mask.
"I didn't think Red Water was established enough to have one" I said.
"Just barely" said the doctor. "It's the most useless position we have anyways. Most creatures don't like to be touched so they would mostly rather die from their wounds than be treated."

"What am I doing here?" I asked. "Don't you usually just kill people?"
"We'll hold you as a type of insurance for now. We'll kill you later."
"Wow. Fantastic" I sighed sarcastically.

I paused as a man stopped at the open door of the office. From first glance, the man looked normal until I looked closer. He was half transformed, his odd, sunken dark eyes shifting wildly as he watched me. As he opened his mouth I could see misshapen teeth, a combination of human and wolf that sat uncomfortably in his mouth. His veins protruded and pulsed against his dirty, gleaming skin.

Except this wasn't a hybrid like the doctor or I.

It was a creature.

My eyes widened and I pulled back. When a human and a hybrid had a child, they created a creature—a mixture that created a wrong and extremely violent being. Most creatures were unregulated and killed as they pleased—their actions purely instinctive and wild.

"Ah thats right" said the doctor, his eyes wandering over my expression. "I forgot how sensitive you Gray Blood's can be to creatures."

The doctor walked over, closing the door.
"I don't need that right now" he muttered to himself.

I jolted forward suddenly at the sound of a scream. The doctor turned to the cracked window, peering out into the yard.
"They shouldn't be here yet" managed the doctor, his eyes widening.
My blood ran cold at the sudden sound of growling and yelling outside. My eyebrows furrowed as I listened intently and I perked at the sound of fighting.

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