Chapter 18

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The rest of the drive was quiet but fast.
Too fast.
As we flew down the road and skidded into the driveway, I caught sight of Jason on the stairs to the house, his head lifting as he spotted us.

I got out of the car immediately, the atmosphere suddenly strangling me with my confusion.
But before I could get up the stairs, Jason grabbed my wrist and turned me to him, his hand placing firmly on my shoulder and his brown eyes desperate.
"Was everything okay? Did the alliance—"
But Jason was cut off as Damian yanked his hand from my shoulder.
"Don't fucking touch him" seethed Damian, his black eyes flashing with livid anger.

Jason stared up at Damian and his face fell—it was painfully obvious what had happened and Jason staggered back, speechless.

Damian suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me into the pack house. But as soon as we entered the hall, there were more people. A group brushed by me and I gasped as Damian roughly pulled me to himself possessively.

"W-wait—Damian!" I exclaimed as he suddenly picked me up and quickly made off down the hallway.
But my plea fell upon def ears as he stormed into his room and slammed the door to the suite behind us. Damian brought me into his bedroom and suddenly dropped me on the bed, straddling me quickly as he opened up my shirt. I tried to sit up, my mouth opening as I tried once more to reason with him, but Damian pushed me back down, kissing me roughly.

My eyes squeezed closed as my hands shakily held onto his strong shoulders and I flinched as he pulled back suddenly.

"Do I have your attention yet?" Asked Damian, his tone harsh as his black eyes flickered between complete anger and unhinged jealousy.
"Damian, I'm sorry, I didn't want to–"

"No? That wasn't you kissing your mate just then?" Growled Damian.
"No, he's not my mate!" I cried, my tears staining my cheeks.
"Don't lie to me" he snapped, his voice cold.
"Taurus isn't my mate!"
"Could've fooled me."
"Damian, please!"

My hands clung desperately to the front of his shirt and Damian scowled.
"I never knew you could lie so easily" growled Damian.
"I'm not lying!" I cried out quickly.

"If thats how it is I guess it doesn't matter."
Damian pulled down the shoulder of my shirt and tapped the crook of my neck with his finger.
"That part here, shouldn't be a problem if I sink my teeth in it then."
I froze and Damian lowered himself down, the side of his nose brushing my neck as his lips met my shoulder.
"Since I'm your mate."

I squeezed my tear-filled eyes shut tightly and I dug my head into his shoulder as my hands shakily pulled around his neck.

"If- if it means I won't lose you" I sobbed quietly, my voice breaking as I curled into him.
My grip tightened as my tears stung my raw cheeks.
"If it's you Damian, I won't mind, but please don't leave me!"

Damian paused and pulled back suddenly, his black eyes wide as if coming back to reality.

"What are you to him?" He asked suddenly.
I stared up at Damian, frozen as the question struck me.
What was I to Taurus? Were we ever anything? If we ever were, I couldn't remember now. Not when I was staring into Damians eyes.

Not now when it was Damian that I loved.

And suddenly, Damian took my silence as an answer, his expression pinching into a scowl as he sat up.
"Did he fuck you?"
I froze and again my lack of words was worse than any possible answer and his jaw clenched.

"No more" he managed, his voice restrained yet harsh. "No more."

Damian suddenly moved off the bed and left the room. And as I heard the door to the suite slam, my heart sunk and the breathe was torn from my lungs.

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