Chapter 9

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I began to open my eyes but winced at the presence of a staggering headache. I groaned and I buried my head deeper into the pillow, cringing in pain as sweat began to bead at my forehead. I had never had such a bad headache. As I rustled, I felt a hand slowly move up my neck and over my head, petting me soothingly.

I felt myself relax almost instantly as my pain began to subside. It was like it was being effortlessly swept away, and like a magnet, I pulled closer to the hand and found myself burying against a warm chest. A pair of arms took me in return and I settled as my pain washed away. I sighed in relief as I felt a strong sense of calm.

I slowly opened my eyes, but struggled to see through the darkness of the room. I forced myself to focus, ignoring the oncoming pain in my head. I looked up for the hand that had relieved my pain and paused as my nose brushed against another. I met a pair of eyes that were narrowed in a calm expression as they studied me. I held the gaze for a moment more as the wheels in my head began to turn. Terror struck through me as I shot up as fast as I could.
"Don't!" Urged Alpha Damian as he stopped me. But it was too late, my head shot with pain and I felt myself become light headed.
"You have a concussion, don't move so quickly" he hissed.

My eyes slowly maneuvered around myself, seeing that I was in the same shirt, but I now had a cast on my hand, restraining my movement.
"I got Doctor Jay to look you over when you fainted. You have a serious concussion and your hand is broken" explained Alpha Damian as I slowly turned to take in the full view.
"Yeh, I kinda figured" I muttered as I studied the Alpha's room in the dark lighting.
"You're going to be staying with me for a while."

"As if" I muttered drowsily as I scooted toward the edge of the bed. I staggered as I stood and cringed at my tiredness. "It'll be fine. I'm going to work."
I took a few strides, but my coordination was poor and I staggered awkwardly across the floor. My concussion was hindering my movements and it reached an all time high as I stumbled over myself and clamoured against the nearest wall. I felt my annoyance surge as I felt Damians watchful gaze.

All of this just because I got into a stupid fight. If only I had handled the situation with Alpha Taurus better. I was so stupid.

I turned quickly in a stagger as I heard Damian get up from the bed. I felt my face heat up as I realized he was shirtless, only wearing a pair of black joggers that sat loosely on his hips, just barely covering his scarred abs and jagged v-line.
"You're off work for the rest of the week. Doctors orders. Jay wants you with me."
I furrowed my eyebrows.
Damian raised an eyebrow at me.
"Physical contact with your mate greatly increases your healing rate and helps subside pain. You're an Aid, how don't you know that?"
"That's not what I'm talking about. I healed just fine before I had a mate."
"Well you have one now."
"Do I?" I teased.
But the sly joke didn't sit well with Damian and he suddenly squatted down, cornering me against the wall.
"Don't test me" warned Damian as he cupped my chin.
"Don't" I said as I pulled away.

"You don't have to fight me like you think you do" said Damian suddenly.
I could feel my cheeks redden at the remark and his eyes flicked lower as my expression provoked him.

Damian tipped forward, and as his nose brushed mine, he suddenly pulled me up to my feet. His hand placed on the small of my back as I caught myself against him in a stagger—trying to catch my balance. Damian suddenly reached into his pocket as I pulled from him slightly and found stability with the wall behind me.
"Take these for your pain" instructed Damian as he pulled out a bottle of pills. "I won't always be able to help."
I nodded and watched Damian with a sense of bewilderment as he walked to the wardrobe. He grabbed a pair of fresh jeans, and my jaw dropped along with Damians black joggers.

"You gotta be kidding me" I scowled as I turned to the living room.
"I'm wearing underwear" Damian shot back.
"Warn me next time" I muttered.
I stepped into the other room, seeking a distraction. The coffee table was littered with books and papers, and as I got closer the titles became more apparent. It was a mixture of reports and mundane literature.

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