Chapter 8

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I rolled over tiredly in the gold sun. It felt like I was feeling warmth for the first time in a year. I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust in the light. As they began to focus I furrowed my eyebrows. Panic swelled through me and I sat up in a hurry.

This was absolutely not my room. My eyes darted around the simple bedroom, which fit a large wardrobe and a set of captivating windows. I shook myself out of my thoughts and directed my attention to myself. I had a white long sleeve shirt on and black sweats, all clothes from my room. I felt my face turn red as I studied myself more and realized I was completely clean and my silver burns were treated and dressed.

Someone had cleaned and bandaged me. I put my hands over my face in embarrassment and fell back on the bed. I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around anything. I dropped my hands from my face and maneuvered myself to the side of the bed. I creeped over to the bedroom door and peered into the next room.

I was looking into a bigger room—a simple yet clean living room connected to a sleek kitchenette, a smaller table planted in the middle of the room behind the couch that faced the tv.

I felt my chest tighten as I spotted Alpha Damian sitting on the couch. His legs were crossed and his head leaned on his hand as he read what looked to be a report. His leg bounced on top the other quickly, as if impatiently waiting for something. His eyes seemed to dart up from the reading material to the blank tv in front of him. His hair was yet again something like a tame mess, just another sign of his current mental state. Suddenly he looked nothing like he did two years ago. It made me question who he was.

His head turned impatiently and I froze as his eyes landed on me. His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise as he dropped his reading material and stood up abruptly. He took a couple steps forward but stopped himself as if sensing my uneasiness. I looked down at my socked feet, thinking of what to do next. But the silence was so thick, I didn't think my words could cut it. And even if they could, I wouldn't know where to start.

"Are you okay?" He spoke finally. I paused and looked back up at him
"Yeah... I'm fine" I managed awkwardly.
"I had some of the aids tend to you" he continued, gesturing vaguely with his hand to my person. I nodded in return.
"Yeh, I figured."
It felt like I would suffocate if I would stay any longer. But as I met Damians sharp eyes, I realized very quickly that the feeling was one sided.

I took a step forward and the Alpha's eyes seemed to flicker briefly and he tilted his head.
"Well thank you, and I'm sorry about all that happened, but I suppose I should get going" I started as I took another step.
"Wait" he said as he stepped in front of me.
I felt compelled to obey my Alpha, but I cringed. My wolf inside me begged me to stay and listen to my mate, but I so badly wanted to leave.

"I apologize too. I'm sorry about how I treated you before you left—I was forceful and abrupt" he said, his voice firm and sincere.
"Theres no need to apologize, it's fine" I urged as I stepped to the side and began towards the door. "We can just forget about it all."
I had to figure out my emotions and think before I could start piecing anything together.

But Damian grabbed my wrist, stopping me quickly in my tracks and turning me to him.

"Don't run" he said.
"I wouldn't run if I could just have some time, I just want to leave" I retorted.
"Last time you left you didn't come back. How many times do you need to go before you can stay?"
I paused and starred back at his tense expression of frustration. For a moment, I could understand. The guilt started to seep in with the realization that removing myself wouldn't help anything like I had convinced myself. I realized quickly that if I wanted to forget Damian, the most humane thing to do would be to reject him.

Damian shook his head as his jaw clenched.
"You can't just run off like that" he continued bitterly. "I didn't know if you were coming back, I didn't even know if you were alive!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble— I didn't mean for it to end up that way!" I protested.
"And how did you want it to end?"
I opened my mouth, but all I could think about were the last two years. It stained my lips and muted my voice and it created an answer of thick silence.

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