Chapter 1

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"But I don't want you to die!" I thundered.
My father sighed as he smiled at me.
"I'm not dying, Alec. I'm just saying I might have to make a sacrifice some day."
"But I don't want you to!" I pleaded. "That's not fair!"

"Alec, I'm the Delta of this pack. When my pack is in need and requires the potential sacrifice of my life from me, I bare it with pride. That's what a strong leader does."

At the age of six, the potential death and sacrifice of my father was a hard concept for me to swallow.
I looked up at my father, my mouth drawing a weary line as my eyes teared up.
"People shouldn't be asking you to die for them" I protested nervously.
"They don't ask for it" he said. "I'm the one that offers it to them. I do it out of love."

And without hesitation, and with pride, my father did just that. As wolf hybrids, or "werewolves", many of us form a bond together and create a pack. We care for each other, fight for each other, live for each other, and die for each other. The pack is led by an Alpha, and two second in commands: the Beta and Delta. They fiercely and loyally protect and lead the pack, keeping them together like a family.

But I didn't feel like I was apart of a family.

Our Alpha was killed and a man named Michael took control. But Alpha Michael wasn't an Alpha—he was a slow nightmare that became increasingly surreal and impossible to wake up from. For five years Michael and his creatures tortured us until we were liberated by another pack—my father sacrificing his life in the process for our freedom. The new Alpha that had freed us united his pack with ours—creating a pack of three hundred members and a new bond baptized in blood, giving us the name of Gray Blood.

But as the pack bonded and came together, I was lost in the grief of losing my father and I struggled to embrace my new pack.

My bed creaked faintly as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The sun drenched around me, falling across my room in a dull colour. I looked at my clock, realizing that I had slept through the morning and it was well into the afternoon. I looked out the window as the sun withdrew from my bed, the clouds casting over and replacing it with bleak shadows.

Little drops of rain began sliding down my window and I couldn't help but feel bad for the people on border patrol. I stretched and got up, walking to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. I could hear the rest of the pack through the walls, lively and awake, footprints bounding down the hallways. It was the pack anniversary, the biggest celebration for the pack since it became united and fell under a new Alpha.

I got out of the shower and checked myself in the mirror, staring at my own tired hazel eyes and running my fingers through my short brown hair. I couldn't tell if I was a mess or not. I never looked at myself long enough to tell. I pulled away from the mirror, putting on my clothes and walked out of my room, zigzagging past people in the hallway and making my way down to the doctors office.

I peeked into the doorway of the office as I knocked.

There stood a tall man with brown hair and glasses, stacks of paper lining his counter. Doctor Jay looked up at me and smiled in greeting, his brown eyes lively. He was a smart, happy man in his early forty's and the most gifted doctor I had ever seen.

"Alec, you decided to show up today?" He asked. I shrugged in return.
"I knew you would miss your favourite assistant" I said as I walked up to him.

Doctor Jay grabbed a stack of paper and put it in a folder.

"Well due to the pack anniversary it has been slow in the office today. Turns out most people would rather party then come see the doctor."
"So no back breaking labour today?" I teased.
"I'll be reporting to Beta Jason today. Thats about it" replied Jay as he adjusted his glasses. He paused for a moment, thinking briefly as he looked down at his clipboard.

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