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"You are the most insane person I have ever met" said Jason as he gestured to the faded scars from when I broke my hand. "How come you couldn't just say you were sorry after bumping into Bryan?"
"It's a long story" I sighed.

Jason and I sat in the doorway of my room. It was the night I would lose my eye to Bruno, and we sat joking like we always did. It was the calm before the storm and the only real peace either of us would have for a long time.

"Long story" echoed Jason. "You say the most ridiculous things with the most serious tone."
"That's because I am serious" I said to him.

Jason's laugh rang like a silver bell and I narrowed my eyes at him as he enjoyed himself.
"I know, that's the best part. I hope you never change, Alley" sighed Jason as he wound down from his laughter.
"If you keep making fun of me I'll start annoying you" I warned.

"If you ever stop annoying me it will be during the few seconds of alone time I have when I'm dead and waiting to be reborn again" said Jason. "Since you've apparently cursed me to always be reborn in the same pack as you, I assume I won't even have a minute to rest."

"I would cherish how I am if I were you. Who knows—maybe in the next life I'm different and you'll miss my old habits" I teased.
"Oh, I'll miss your habits alright" said Jason. "That's why I refuse to die. I'd miss that too much."
"Don't be a jackass" I burst in a laugh."Besides, I told you we would be in the same pack in every life. I'll find a way to harass you in at least one of them."
"That's quite the mission, think you can pull that off?" Teased Jason as I looked at him.
"Course I can" I decided. "I have infinite chances. I get you as my Beta forever, don't I?"

Jason smiled.

"Of course you do, Alley."

"You're spacing out again."
"No I'm not" I lied immediately.
I looked up, Damians light blue eyes flickering with amusement as he looked at me.

I hadn't even noticed I was daydreaming again. I couldn't even count the amount of times I would doze off—getting lost in the memory of one of my many stupid conversations with Jason.

A warm breeze gently brushed through the trees, the sound of the forest filling my ears as we stood between the field surrounding the pack house and the trees that stood guard at the mouth of the forest.
Damian leaned down as his hand traced the mark on my shoulder and my cheeks turned pink.
"Don't lie to me mate" he whispered against my lips before kissing me.

The night I was torn away from Jason and away from the clearing was the night Red Water died. Without an Alpha, the last of the creatures fled or died in the last stand. Gray Blood and Burning Tree cleared out what was left of the creatures and Red Water's pack house was burnt down along with a portion of the forest. Now, six months later, the only thing left to do was heal.

"You're sure in a good mood today" I teased.
"Of course, I finally get to see you. I've barely been able to be with you for the past week" complained Damian.
"Turns out therapy and studying eats up my schedule" I laughed.
"Tending to a love sick mate should count as part of training just fine" replied Damian as he waved his hand dismissively.
"I don't think that would work."
Damian raised an eyebrow.
"I could call in sick for you tomorrow" he teased as he pulled me in by my waist.
"I won't ever finish my doctors training if I let you call in sick for me whenever you feel like playing" I pointed out.
"No, but calling in sick would have its perks" he teased.

I pulled my arms around Damian and rested my head on his shoulder.
"It sure would" I sighed into him.

"Alpha!" Came a voice in the near distance. "We're ready for you!"
"Be right there!" Called Damian.
Damian looked down at me, his eyes warm.
"Are you ready?"
I paused.
"One second" I replied as I picked up the bottle laying on the ground.

I turned quickly to the forest and quickly made my way down the trail until I came to a clearing. My gaze landed on a stone in the middle of the grass, sitting tall amongst the flowers.
I raced over, my chest tight, yet warm.
"I brought you something" I whispered as I set down the bottle of champagne next to Joehn's offerings. "I wanted you to be able to celebrate with us."

I brushed my thumb across the front of the stone, clearing the light film of dirt from Jasons name.
"Wish me luck."

I turned and made my way back up the trail, rejoining Damian.
He smiled as he caught sight of me, his gaze warmer than the setting sun that burst through the trees.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
I nodded, just barely repressing my excitement.
"You bet!" I managed.
"You sure? No turning back now, mate."
I rolled my eyes as Damian pulled me to him possessively.
"I think if I was going to turn back, I would have had to do it a very long time ago."
Damian let out a pleased hum as he kissed me.

With that, Damian led me forward and out into the open field, Joehn waiting for us in front of the pack house—ready to start the ceremony.

"Alpha Damian" greeted Joehn as he bowed.
"Delta Joehn" returned Damian as he dipped his head.
Joehn turned to me, a smile tainting his lips.

"Are you prepared for your life as Gray Blood's Luna?"
I smiled.
Joehn looked at Damian.
"Of course."
Joehn glanced between us.

"Then I think it's time to introduce Gray Blood to its new Luna."

As Joehn stepped through the doors and began announcing us to the pack that waited for us on the other side, I felt Damian squeeze my hand, his thumb habitually running over my ring.

I looked up at Damian and met his gaze, his light blue eyes soft as they studied me.

And as I looked up at Damian I found the answer to a very old question that I had asked myself many times—was a mate someone that fate bound you too, or was it someone you chose for yourself? As I looked at Damian, I found my answer.

It was both. It had to be both.

And not only that—I realized I had the answer all along. It flickered in Damian's eyes all those times when he had kissed my broken hand or when he fought with me. When I had lost my eye and when I marked him.

It was all there. Every last word of the answer.

And with that, I chose Damian. I chose his brash and coarse mannerisms. His impulsive demeanour and all of his irrational tendencies that were ingrained in him like one of his many scars. I chose his undying loyalty to the family he had built with three hundred people and the love he had for them. His drive to not only take what fate promised him but to work for it. To bleed for it. To care for it.

And as I clung to my mate, I decided I was ready for forever. As we stepped into the pack house, the night began and my bitterness of my past ended—peacefully, and without a sound in Damians arms.

And I couldn't imagine a better place to become myself.

Damian gently grabbed my hands, his eyes flicking down to mine.
"Ready for forever?" I teased.
Damian smiled, my fingers toying with the gold band on his hand as he leaned down to my ear.

"If it's with you, even forever wouldn't be long enough."

And just like that—forever began and I knew there was no one else I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

Only with my mate.

Damian kissed me and I couldn't help the slight smile that tainted my lips.

Only with Damian.

Killing Alphas—The End

Thank you for reading and all the support you have shown me and Killing Alphas despite waiting roughly 5 years for this finale. I hope you enjoyed reading the book as much as I did creating it. I'm working on a bonus material chapter but I'm not to sure when that will be done. Let me know if you have anything you'd like me to touch on like characters, backstory or relationships. Love ya lots <3


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