Chapter 10

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I thought about the right way to reject Damian. But there wasn't a right way and there never would be. All I could do was think of the best way to do it for both of us. But finding the words and the right time was an impossible task. It consumed my thoughts, thus consuming me and purging my confidence. It made me want to run and hide.

"Sit up, it's time to change the bandages on your burn."

I looked up at Damian from the couch—an assortment of bandages in one hand and a container of something in the other.
"I'll do it myself" I said as I reached forward.
But I paused at my hand—bandaged and unable to move.
"Right, I forgot about that" I muttered to myself.
"Shirt off" commanded Damian as he kneeled in front of me.
I sighed and pulled off my shirt and stared at Damian, giving him my best unamused expression.

But as Damian's eyes flicked up to mine, I realized holding his gaze wasn't much of a choice for me and I looked away. Damian leaned forward, gently removing the bandages around my neck.
"Why not just have an Aid do this?" I asked.
"They did when I first brought you to the doctor. I wasn't very impressed."
"You were unimpressed with their work?"
Damian possessive gaze flicked up to mine.
"No, I just didn't care for having them touch you."
My cheeks went red and I pulled away as Damian opened the container. My shoulders came up as I began to curl away.

"Don't pull back, I'm not done" said Damian as he leaned forward once more.
"I-I can do it on my own" I decided as my chin dipped down and my shoulders raised, hiding my neck.
"I can do it myself."
"Stop it."
"I'm serious."
"Alec, loosen up for me" he coaxed.

I paused—taken off guard by his wording as it stirred something in my chest. I looked away as I slowly tilted my head, giving in and exposing the side of my neck to him. Damian tipped forward instinctively, but stopped. As if changing his mind about something, he brought up his hand, gently applying the cream to my skin.

"If you hate this so much, maybe you'll think twice before running off and getting caught up in a border fight" said Damian.
"I wouldn't have been in a border fight if someone hadn't scared me off" I reminded.
"Scary? Is that what you think of me, mate?" He asked.

His warm hand ran up my shoulder and to my neck, covering the remaining burns that wrapped around my throat.
"Terrifying" I managed as I peered at him.

His blue eyes studied my neck as he began putting on the new bandage, but I was taken off guard as his gaze suddenly flicked up to mine.

"Terrifying? I didn't think I had made that much of an impression" He said, a sly smile hinting on his lips.
My cheeks reddened and I looked away.
"I don't know" I said. 
"First you call me terrifying, then I catch you staring at me—I can't be that frightening"
"I wasn't staring and it's not that you frighten me."
"If terrifying doesn't mean frightening, what does it mean?"
I paused, my jaw tightening.
Damian grabbed my wrist, pulling me down to him so that his lips just barely brushed mine.
"Spit it out" coaxed Damian, his eyes flicking lower.
But to make it worse, Damian already knew—I didn't even have to say it.
Damian pushed forward, kissing me as he took the breath from my lungs.
Though I was weary of Damian, the fear I had for him was different than before.
His hands burned my bare skin as they pulled around my waist—leaving a searing heat pulsing through my chest that left me staggering. I broke from the kiss in a gasp, turning away.

It was the confusion that Damian created inside of me that terrified me.

"Let me go" I warned, wincing as I pushed at him with my broken hand.
Damians insistent and hungry eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, his hands burning into my skin as they ran up my side.
"This is the only time you ever really look at me" he continued, his knee pushing up my thigh. "Only when I'm mean and rough with you."
"Don't" I pleaded.
"Whats wrong? Terrified?"
"Can you blame me? You look like you'd eat me alive."
Damians eyes flashed as a smile spilled across his lips.
"I won't eat you, but I sure would like to sink my teeth in you" he teased as he leaned forward, his teeth grazing my ear.
"If you don't stop, I'll-"
"You'll what?" He taunted, his voice dark as he pulled back. "What will you do to me, mate?"
Damians eyes flashed a possessive, yet unknown emotion. My face reddened as he lowered himself once more, his lips brushing my neck. 

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