Chapter 4

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I spent the entire celebration with Alpha Taurus. At Jasons command, I showed him around the pack and talked with him. But it didn't take long for me to start seeking him out on my own without Jasons demands. I was naturally drawn to him and we found eachother with ease.

Taurus touched me when he could. I was no longer a stranger to the way his hand brushed on the small of my back or led my chin up to his so he could kiss me. Taurus gently took as much as I would give.

I was familiar with his strange and sudden questions and with the way his eyes softened warmly as I talked.

But as the days rolled by, it came to the last day of the pack anniversary.
I peaked into the doctors office and scanned the room. I had been wearing my indoor slippers and needed my shoes, but wanted to be careful to avoid Alpha Damian. However, I didn't see them right away. My eyebrows furrowed as I squinted in annoyance.
"Whatcha doing?" Asked Jay as he suddenly peeked at me from the other side of the doorway.
"My shoes! Where are my shoes!" I exclaimed as I stood and entered the room, beginning my search.
"Well I've got one here, but Alpha Damian took the other" offered Jay as he held out the lonely sneaker.

I slowly turned to Jay, completely lost.
"He took my fucking shoe?" I whispered. "And just left me with one?"
"Listen, Alec. I don't think this is actually about shoes for Damian. I think he's been looking for you. You're lucky he's been too occupied with Red Water, but—"
"Well I'll make sure he has a hell of a time finding me. No need to worry" I muttered as I slowly grabbed the shoe.
Jay sighed.
"Alec, have you been looking for your mate?"
I looked at Jay, bewildered.
"Huh?" I articulated.
"Well I just noticed that you've been hanging around Alpha Taurus so-"
"It's just something Beta Jason has me working on" I reassured.

"I know that" said Jay. "But I just dont want you giving up on finding your mate."
I stared back at Jay and placed my hands on his shoulders.
"I'm not" I stated. "It's okay."

I kissed Jay on the forehead quickly and he scowled.
"Get out of my office" he scolded as he shooed me out with one hand and rubbed at his forehead with the other.

With that, I began out the door and stopped abruptly as another man walked into the room, nearly colliding with me.
I felt my heart stop but realized it wasn't Alpha Damian. He paused and looked down at me. It was Beta Jason.

"Well, good timing!" Exclaimed Jason as his thoughts came together. Jason grabbed my wrist and began pulling me down the corridor.
"I gotta say Allie, you're doing some fine work!" Cooed Jason.
"You're in a better mood" I pointed out, recalling our last run in.
"We're sealing the deal, buddy and it's all thanks to you!" He purred as we rounded a corner. I smacked into someone as Jason yanked my arm.
"Jesus, Alec, fuck off!" Sneered Bryan as he pushed me.
"Hey, fuck you!" I shot back as I swung at him. But Jason tugged me away like an owner pulling his dogs leash.
"Quit fucking around, you two!" Dismissed Jason as he continued pulling me down the hall.

"Quit pulling me around!" I cried out as I yanked myself from Jason. Jason turned, a smile spreading across his face.
"Alec, how would you feel about leaving the pack?" He blurted suddenly, grabbing the one sneaker I held in my hand and throwing it like a frisbee into the hall. The faint cry of a man could be heard in the distance as my beautiful sneaker met the back of someones head.
"What?" I sighed, unamused.
"I think you would be a good match for the Burning Tree pack."
I narrowed my eyes as Jason grabbed my shoulders.
"Are you trying to sell me?"
"Do you really have to ask?"

"You're not about to pimp me out" I sighed.
"I'm just looking at all of our options. I'll do anything for the sake of my pack. The happiness of the pack comes before the happiness of one" insisted Jason as we continued to the front door.
"Hey I'm not wearing proper shoes and you kinda threw my last one!" I pointed out as he placed his hand on the door knob.
Jason scrunched his nose and sighed, grabbing a pair of shoes from the side of the entrance.
"These fit?" He asked as I tried them on.
"Yeh, they're good. Who's are these?" I asked.
"Who gives a shit? Come on, lets get back on track!"

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