Chapter 16

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I woke up clutching fabric, my body scrunched up and entombed with blankets. I sat up slowly, still groggy as I looked around and fought against the brightness of the sun that flooded the room.

I was in Damians room. I looked around and became more alert as I heard the bathroom door open.

I paused as Damian exited the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist that just barely covering his lower abs. His black hair was wet and slightly disheveled yet perfect. His blue eyes met mine immediately and I felt my chest burn as a smile played on his lips.
"Did you have a good sleep?" Asked Damian as he kissed my forehead.
I nodded absently, still dazed and a bit embarrassed as I remembered last night.

"There goes those red cheeks again" said Damian as he tipped my chin up with his hand. He kissed me and my curled hands placed against his damp, yet warm chest.

"Looks like you're not ready to go quite yet though" said Damian.
I paused and tilted my head, still in a land of my own.
"Go? We're going some where?" I asked dreamily.
"I'm taking you to Burning Tree to finalize the alliance."
I stared blankly at Damian, then froze, my stomach dropping as I woke up fully.
"Why are we going there?" I uttered stupidly.
"It's customary when packs make an alliance that each leader visits the others pack" explained Damian.

"But I just—what if Jay needs my help?" I managed poorly, looking for an excuse.
"No need to worry" said Damian. "Dr. Jay was the one to recommend bringing you."
"He–he did?" I asked.
Damian nodded.
"He said you got along well with Taurus when you were the representative for the clinic."

"Well–" I paused, my lips pulling into an awkward expression. "I did..."
I looked down at my lap, embarrassed.
Yes, Taurus and I got along very well at one point. But not in a way I would like to revisit. But I paused, remembering Jason saying Taurus had already found a new mate. I felt my shoulders relax a little at this, my embarrassment replacing with hope. The news that once brought me hurt was now about to be something I could't have been more thankful for.

If Taurus has a mate, maybe things can be normal—like nothing ever happened.

"But if you're concerned about Dr. Jay, you can go see if he needs help with anything while I finish getting ready."
I looked up at him, my mood changing quickly.
"O-Ok!" I agreed immediately.
Damian smiled and he kissed me.
"I've already picked out what you'll wear, it's at the foot of the bed."
I nodded and reached for the pile as Damian turned to the dresser across the room and opened its drawers.

I looked at the clothes. A white dress shirt and dark blue pants. I slipped on the pants and shrugged on the shirt, buttoning it up.
"Leave the top one undone" said Damian suddenly.
He reached over and popped the top button of my shirt.
He then looked me up and down and straightened out the hem, tucking it correctly into my pants. I watched Damians expression, his eyebrows slightly pinched as his eyes searched me, assessing the outfit.

I felt a red hue brush my cheeks as Damian adjusted me.
"Perfect" said Damian as he looked me over once more.

"I'll come get you when everything's ready to go" he said as he pulled me forward.
I nodded.
"Ok, see you soon" I managed.
Damian smiled and kissed my nose then sent me on my way.

I strolled down the hall and made my way to the doctors office, the tips of my ears hot with embarrassment as I thought about Burning Tree. Was it really ok for me to go?

I knew how important it was to seal this alliance.

Though we had chased off the creatures, they still haunted our border patrol and multiplied each day. The men came back with wounds and gashes and it only put more stress on both Damian and Dr. Jay's already full schedule.

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