Chapter 21

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A/N: hey ya'll.
Sorry I posted late again.
I know I said this would be the final chapter, but the final chap/epilogue will be posted next week... maybe earlier if I get the final edits done cus ya'll have been really patient but idk. Then I'll post the bonus stories/material later so let me know if there's anything u wanna see! :3
Anyways, hope u enjoy the chapter, see you for the end! ttyl uwu


"I've taken him off it, so he should be—"
I quietly woke up, my body sore and the room bright. A hand clutched mine tightly and I felt my bangs move ever so slightly. I felt what I assumed to be an IV needle being taken out of my arm.

My bleary gaze lifted and the first thing I saw was Damian.

He sat by my side, his chair pressed as close to my bed as possible. White bandages poked out from under his black shirt and made a reoccurring appearance down his arm and occasionally at the base of his neck, stemming from his chest. He talked to someone else in the room, and it wasn't until I seen him smile when I realized we were alive.

My eyes flicked down to the base of his neck, landing on the healing bite that peeked out from beneath his collar.

My mark.

My gaze moved down to his hand—his knuckles torn and bruised. I squeezed his hand softly and Damian turned at the faint sensation instantly.

And I found a sense of pure bliss as Damians eyes flickered through countless emotions before he dove down, hugging me quickly. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling that Damian's warm arms gave me in that moment.

We made it out alive.

The attack at the border had been a trap and just as I was stabbed, the rest of the pack had come along and they were able to take out a large chunk of Red Water—scattering they're already unstable creature population.

I had been in a coma for a few days, during which Gray Blood and Burning Tree began destroying Red Water once and for all.

The end was here.

I touched the bandage on my eye and paused.
I looked back up at Damian, to find his soft blue eyes already on mine. A sting of regret briefly flickered in his expression as he studied my destroyed eye.
"I thought you were dead" said Damian quietly as he cupped my cheek. "When the knife went through your eye like that—."
He gave a restrained sigh and before he could finish, I pulled up quickly, hugging him.

And in return, Damians arms tightened around me without a second thought.
"I'm so fucking glad you're alive" he breathed.
I touched my forehead to his.
"Thanks for keeping me alive" I managed.
Damian gave a soft laugh as he ran his thumb under the bandage of my eye.
"That's supposed to be my line."

A tear pricked my eye and I faltered as he smiled. I pulled the oxygen from my nose, taking Damian off guard as I pulled him all the way down to me, kissing him.

My mate.

My eye squeezed shut and my hand tightened around his. And as the kiss deepened, I felt his teeth brush against my lips as he hinted a smile.

And suddenly I didn't care about my eye—I forgot all about it. In fact, I didn't mind. At this point, losing my vision would simply be a privilege if it meant I could continue to have Damian like this.

I faltered as Damian lightly broke the kiss, his lips just barely brushing away from mine.

"I'll be right back" whispered Damian.
I paused as my gaze flicked up to his glowing eyes.
"Where are you going?" I asked, still dazed in the warmth of my mate.
I tipped forward again, hoping to find the same heat once more.
"To Red Water."
"Red Water" I breathed absently.
But as I tasted the words on my tongue, I awakened fully and stopped.
"Why are you going back to Red Water?"
"To finish things."
I felt myself stagger, confused as I blinked at him.
"Finish what? I thought we won."
"Not yet" Damian hesitated as he looked down at my expression. "Alpha Bruno's still alive."
I froze as my heart sunk.
"No" I uttered "no way, but—Damian you're still hurt—!"
"And so is he. We need to go before he has a chance to rally the creatures that ran off."

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