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Tori and Edward held each other as they were relieved that the pain was over. Edward pulled away and placed his hand on her stomach. "I'm so sorry for leaving, Tori. I should have fought harder for us and none of this shouldn't be happening." He says again.

"Edward, it hurt when you left after you promised you wouldn't." Edward nodded. "But you have done punished yourself enough and I'm just happy to have you home."

"I love you, Tori."

"I love you, Edward."

"What did I miss while I was gone?" He asked.

"Bella went to hers and Tyler's spot and saw Laurent. As you can tell that I'm starting to show, but slowly like a regular pregnancy."

"How far along did they tell Charlie you were?"

"Five months." She tells him. "I don't have that long till this little one is born."

Edward kissed her causing her to smile as she pulled him back to her bed. She missed this and she just wants to be with him at the moment.
Edward played with Tori's red hair as she slept. He smiled as he had Tori Swan back. "Edward? Tori?"

Tori stirred a bit causing Edward to put his clothes on. He walked out of her bedroom to see what Alice was wanting. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"To see if Bella is alive." She said as another set of footsteps came downstairs.

Edward turned to see Tori with a dress on showing the baby bump causing Alice to stare in shock. "What do you mean 'to see if Bella is alive'?"

Alice looked at the expecting couple and starting telling them what she saw. Bella Swan was dead. Tori ran to Edward and cried as her sister was gone. Edward held her close as she grieved the lose of her sister.
Edward had his hand on Tori's bump and smiled as he felt the baby kick. He smiled as Tori slept on the couch. "I can't see her."

"She did go to the Rez." Edward says. "That's what she told Tori. Bella doesn't know that I'm here."

Alice nodded as Tori raised up. "Edward?" He looked at her. "I was thinking that the Volturi might have a good idea as to what bond we have and to let them know about the baby."

Alice stood shock that Tori decided this on her own. Edward nodded as he kissed her. "Leave a note for your father that you are going to help set up the house." He says. "I know you hate lying, but I'm not going to be in Tyler's shoes."

Tori walked into the kitchen and started writing her letter. She looked behind her as she felt Edward's presence. He walked over to see the letter she has written. He smiled and kissed her head. "Let's go."

"Did you know that Harry passed?" She asked him as they walked out of the house.

"Yes." He says. "I read Charlie's mind. He's hurting from it."

Tori nodded as she placed her hand on her baby bump. She smiled as she couldn't wait to know what type of bond they have even though she should be home to tell her father the bad news. "Something tells me she's not dead." Tori says as she thought about it. "The pack, can Alice see them?"

"No." He says. "You think..."

"Someone over there saved her, but we will find out later. Our baby needs to be known." She tells him.

Edward smiled as they left. He wanted their baby to be known and he also needed answers about their bond. Bella may be alive and like Tori said, someone on the Rez isn't going to let someone die on their watch. "Tori?" She looked at him. "When we get there, there is something I want to ask you."

"After all these months of us being separated, I'm just happy to have you back, but Tyler, he can rot in hell." She tells him. "I have my family back."

Edward smiled as he couldn't wait to ask Tori to marry him when they get there. He has a very bad feeling that if he asks her in front of the Volturi kings that they would want to wed them. He doesn't care as long as he has Tori with him forever.

Sorry i made this different from the movie and the original book. I didn't really enjoy New Moon, but I did try to add Tori in this part. There is about two more chapters of act two. And if you question about the baby, some people don't really have morning sickness till later, but in this case, Tori was in so much pain that she never thought nothing about being pregnant till she started throwing up. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

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