Twenty One

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Arriving back to Forks, Edward and Tori continued ignoring the Cullens, which was hurting them even more. Alice looked at the others and sighed. "We messed up."

"We?" Rosalie states. "Because the last time I checked all this was on Tyler. Yet, we listened to Carlisle who is supposed to be our leader, our father, but yet, Tyler comes out on top. Edward left the woman he fought to stay here with because Carlisle put his foot down against him. What's so damn special about Bella anyways besides obsessing over being turned."

Carlisle sighed. "I know I have made a mistake showing Tyler that he was right..."

"That's called favoritism." Emmett pointed out.

"And you are a push over when it comes to Tyler and Bella." Jasper pointed out. "But, continue."

"I shouldn't be playing favorites, but I did and now that I see that Edward doesn't have anything to do with us, I see now that him and Tori's bond was something so special that I forgot about them."

"You forgot?" Edward stated as he appeared causing them to look. "You forgot?" He repeated with a dark chuckle. "You didn't forget. You just didn't care along with Tyler. Every since Tyler joined us it's always been about him because he was depressed, but you knew that it wasn't just him. I was in the same state till I met Tori."

"Not everything is about me."

"Bullshit." Edward says glaring at him. "You don't see the damage you AND Bella have caused. You made me leave my mate thinking she would be safe, but she wasn't and neither was I. I came close to losing my child and my wife because of you." He grabbed Tyler and shoved him against the wall. "Now, how would you like it if someone killed Bella?" Tyler didn't say anything causing Edward to smirk. "Have you even told Bella about Victoria being back or are you still lying?"

"She doesn't know."

"Wait till Jacob tells." Edward says releasing him as he went to leave and stopped. "By the way, keep me and my wife out of this."

They nodded as they watched him leave. Tyler looked at Carlisle. "Are you going to stop him and get him to help?"

"No." Carlisle says. "We've done enough to him, Tori and Josie. There's no way I'm causing anymore danger."

Tyler stared in disbelief. They weren't going to get Edward to help all because of the mistake that was made. "Tori could be in danger..."

"The Voultri is protecting Tori. Once she sees the rings, Victoria will know that she will be breaking the law if she killed Tori Cullen." Esme says. "Tyler, honey, stop trying to find ways to make sure you are in charge when you're not."

"I can't lose Bella."

"Yet, Edward almost lost Tori. Do you not see what is going on? This family is falling apart because of the decisions you make. You're taking control when we tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen." Rosalie says. "Bella became the target the moment you let her in."

Tyler rolled his eyes and left to speak to Bella. Edward walked back in. "I'm not forgiving anyone till you all have spoke to Tori. Tori has a say so too."

"Of course. Can we see her tomorrow?"

Edward nodded as he left. They all looked at one another smiling. "I guess we may get the chance to speak to them."

"Yeah." Alice says. "It might take a while, but they will eventually start talking to us more."

They nodded as they know this was going to take a while, but their family will be whole again.

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