Twenty Three

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Graduation finally came and Tori was a bit nervous. She was pregnant and due anytime. She heard her dad causing her to walk out with her cap and gown on. Charlie looked with Bella to see the redhead. Edward walked back in and stopped seeing his wife. "Wow." He says as he walked over to her. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

Tori smiled. "This bump doesn't help much."

Edward smiled. "I don't mind it one bit. Means our baby is with us when we walk across that stage."

Bella looked at her dad. "How do I get her to see that I mean it?"

"By giving her time. She's still upset, but she's getting closer." Charlie says. "Don't pressure them."

Bella modded as she watched Edward help his pregnant wife out to his car. The redhead knew she would have to talk to Edward about all this.
When they arrived, Edward saw his family who walked over to them. "How's the baby?"

"I can tell she is close." Tori tells him. "Edward listens for her and he says that she's excited to meet us."

Carlisle nodded. "Baby, let's go take our seats."

Tori took Edward's hand and went to their seats. Alice looked at them hoping to finally talk. Edward kissed Tori's head as Jessica walked up on stage to do her speech. Every word she said had Edward and Tori looking at one another. They had their future set and they were awaiting for the birth of Josie. 

Charlie watched as the names were being called. He saw Edward help Tori across the stage as she was couldn't hardly walk. "She is ready for that baby to come out."

"Yep." He says looking at Esme. "You and Doc raised a fine boy."

Esme smiled as she looked at them. All she wants is to be able to speak to her son and daughter in law. They've made a mistake, but Tori is close and all this stress is not helping.
At the Cullens, a party was in full swing, but Edward and Tori were up in his room. She wanted to lay down and get away from all the noise. A knock was heard causing them to look and see Rosalie and Emmett. "What?"

"Can we come in? There's something we want to say."

Tori nodded. Edward sighed. "Okay."

"Tori, Edward, we are truly sorry for what we did. We shouldn't have let Tyler get his way." Rosalie says. "I ruined a friendship by thinking it was a good idea not thinking about the bond you two have." Tori could tell Rosalie wanted to cry. "I just want my best friend back." 

"Okay, I forgive you. I want my best friend back too."

Rosalie hugged Tori causing her to ask one thing. "What happened to Bella's hand?"

Emmett busted out laughing. "Jacob kissed Bella and she punched him. Him and Tyler got into a fight at your house while you two were on a date."

The redhead looked at Edward. "I missed something interesting for once. Shocking."

Edward chuckled as did Emmett. Jasper walked in with Alice not too far behind him. "The party is over."

"Why?" Tori asked as she looked at him. 

"There's a newborn army coming after Bella." 

Tori stood there shock. A newborn army was coming after her sister. Rosalie looked at her as the redhead grabbed her husband's arm. "I think we all need a huge talk before we work together." She tells him. "I can't lose my sister."

"Okay, but I want you to rest." 

Tori nodded as she looked at Rosalie. "Want to tell me how you were turned?"

Rosalie nodded as she looked at her mate and the others. "Go. I'll stay with her." 

They nodded as Edward kissed his wife before walking away. Rosalie laid beside Tori and started telling her about her life back in 1933.

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