Chapter 11

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Author's Note

I wrote this in the car soooo enjoy! 😁

                                                                                                                           - Adelle

Editor's note

Even so, it's a good chapter. All of the chapters she wrote are 10/10. Love y'all! Mwah!

                                                                                                                           ~ Valery


Nightmare stood huffing as Y/n ran out of the room, tears spilling down her face. He stood there for a minute, unsure of what to do, before he looked to the apple. It had lost some of its color. 'What did I just do?' Nightmare thought shocked.

He heard galloping. He looked over the balcony to see Y/n and her horse run into the forest. He began to quiver, then tremble. Did he just ruin their only chance to escape? What had he doomed him and the others to? What had he doomed Y/n to?

He leaned over the parapet, skull in his hands, still shaking, when he heard howls rise from the forest. His head shot up and he was filled with terror. What had he doomed Y/n to? He leapt off the balcony, extending his tentacles, then landing roughly on the stone path.

He grunted at the sudden impact before melting into a shadow and traveling through the darkness into the forest. Thoughts flooded his mind. Was he too late? What happened? Were you hurt? He cursed his impulsive behavior from before, then sped to a stop when he neared the clearing Y/n was in.

Y/n's horse was struggling to its hooves, one leg bleeding and a wolf circling it. Five other wolves were inching towards Y/n. Fear was radiating from her figure. Nightmare searched through his mind frantically for a form as he watched Y/n back against a tree trunk. He thought anxiously before transforming into an oversized black bear.

He ran to Y/n's rescue right as a wolf jumped for her. He knocked it aside before it hit Y/n, her scream sounding through the forest. The wolves had backed up, then began circling him. The wolf guarding her horse joined the fray and the wolf that had attacked Y/n shrank back into the forest. 'Must be the runt or something.' Nightmare thought dismissively. 

The wolves began to circle him, growling and baring their teeth menacingly. He growled right back. There was no way a few wolves were going to scare him.

Three wolves jumped at him and latched to his thick coat. He roared in pain and anger. He went down on all fours and began swiping at the wolves unsuccessfully. 'This isn't working.' Nightmare thought anxiously. He felt claws and teeth sink into his flesh and he roared in frustration.

Then an idea struck him. He fell to his side and rolled. He heard bones crunch and whimpers from the wolves. He quietly congratulated himself for the brilliant idea before rising to his hind legs to face the other two wolves. They prowled towards him. He raised a giant paw and knocked them into a tree.

Belle of the Night (Nightmare Sans x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now