Chapter 13

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Author's Note

Enjoy! I had fun writing this one.

                                                                                                                        - Adelle

Editors note

Enjoy le chapter. Also, just curious, who's your favorite character?

                                                                                                                        ~ Valery


F/c favorite color

You wrapped the bandage around the last rib and sat back, wiping your brow. Nightmare let out a contented sigh, resting against the back of the chair. You laid down on the floor, exhausted, then looked towards the entrance doors. Gentle light was filtering through the glass stained windows. 'Is it morning already?' You thought tiredly as you heard the sound of wheels rolling across the polished floor of the left hallway.

Turning your head, you saw Cherry and Killer atop their cart. Cherry let out a dramatic gasp. "THERE YOU ARE!" He exclaimed. You grinned lazily at him as he rolled into the room, a wide smile on his face. "I WAS AFRAID THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN KILLED! OR WORSE! HORROR AND ERROR KEPT TELLING ME ALL THESE THINGS! BUT I'M GLAD THAT YOU'VE RETURNED SAFE AND SOUND!" 'That isn't entirely true.' You thought amusedly to yourself.

He stopped his rant suddenly and stared at Nightmare. "NIGHTMARE!! WHY ARE YOU HALF NAKED AROUND THIS YOUNG LADY?!" Cherry glared intensely at him, Killer hopping a step back at his now even louder voice. 

Nightmare straightened a bit in his seat. "Hey! She took off my jacket!

"DON'T BLAME IT ON HER!" Cherry retorted, his glare intensifying even more. Did Nightmare just shrink back a little?

"Cherry, trust me, it wasn-"


"It wasn't-" You interjected, before Cherry cut you off. 

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME, I'M TRYING TO DEFEND YOU." Cherry said sweetly without looking at you.

"N-no! Nightmare's right!" You said quickly before Cherry could interrupt you again. 

Cherry spun around to face you, disbelief of the highest sort plastered across his face. "WHAT?!" 

"It's not what you think though! It was only to heal him!!" You said hurriedly. Cherry paused, turned to face Nightmare, and only then noticed the bandages around his ribs. 

He then turned back to you. "YOU DO KNOW YOU DIDN'T NEED TO BANDAGE NIGHTMARE, RIGHT?" He asked politely.

Belle of the Night (Nightmare Sans x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now