Chapter 1: It's No Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

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The air is thick in Family Video as Steve Harrington's eyes meet with a pair of strange deep brown orbs. The two parties in the staring contest can't seem to look away, no matter how hard they try. The intensity of the current conundrum causes Steve's breath to catch in the back of his throat as time seems to stand still. The hairs on the back of his neck stand straight, supporting the chill running down the jock's spine. Suddenly- a familiar voice cuts the tension, causing Steve to flicker his eyes to the right. There, his eyes meet a familiar blue- a friendlier color that he's come to know well.

"Hey, Henderson." Steve smiles softly at his friend as he stands up to stretch. "I haven't seen you in like, three weeks."

"Yeah, I know, Steve," Dustin whines as he emphasizes Steve's name like he usually did when the boy was annoyed with him.

Steve rolls his eyes playfully as a small chuckle leaves his mouth. As he does this, his eyes fall back on the strange chocolate-colored orbs that gave him the chills. He quickly turns back to his friend, ignoring the danger staring at him.

"I have a life besides hanging out with you." Steve shrugs with a smile on his face.

"You didn't until you met Robin." Dustin deadpanned.

"Hey, Dingus, that's hurtful." Robin tuts as she rounds a corner, holding a stack of magazines.

"Oh, shit." Dustin grimaces. "Sorry, Robin. I wouldn't have said that if I knew you were here."

"I think that hurts even more, Henderson," Robin chuckles as she slaps the magazines down on the checkout counter, where Steve was standing. "Oh, hey." she greets politely to the man standing next to Steve's friend as she finally focuses on the group at hand.

Steve then glances at the unfamiliarity standing next to Dustin. The alarming eyes attached to the person dart to Robin and then back to him. 

"Hey, Robin." the voice attached to the danger spoke softly. A small smile crept on their face as they tore their eyes away from Steve's to look at Robin's once more.

"How've you been?" She asked with a genuine smile on her face.

How could Robin be so friendly to him- the danger? Did she not see it? Did Robin not see the cynical twinkle in the man's eyes?

"I've been okay." he almost mumbled. He sounded nervous.

Steve then glanced at Robin at the same time she glanced towards him. She had a weird look, but it only lasted for a second, so Steve thought nothing of it.

"Are you checking those out?" Robin then asked, causing Steve to look down at the man's hands. He was holding onto two movies. Had he been holding onto those the whole time?

"Yeah." the person attached to the deep brown eyes spoke.

"I'll get those for you since Harrington seemed to forget how to work," Robin spoke with no humor as she bumped Steve out of the way.

"Hey," Steve whined almost in a whisper as he stumbled backward.

Robin's head snapped over to him, giving him a look. Steve knew she wanted him to walk away, so he did. He nodded and walked off to the Disney aisle of the store to restock a box that he had left earlier. After a few minutes, he heard the front door open, and a loud yell of, "Bye Steve!" as Dustin and his friend left the store.

There was silence in Family Video as Steve finished up the box of Disney tapes. He didn't seem to mind the quiet until he walked back up to the front with the empty box to be met with a scowling Robin Buckley.

"What's wrong with you, Buckley?" Steve asked nonchalantly.

"Wrong with me?" Robin spoke with a hint of a laugh. "What's wrong with me?" she repeated.

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